Nominations and Appointments Committee (NAC)
Following a review of its committee structure in 2009 Senate implemented major changes in 2010. One of the new committees in 2010 was the Nominations and Appointments Committee. Its role was a follows:-as specified in Clause 46B of Chapter 4A of the University of Sydney By-Law 1999 with regard to appointed fellows of Senate-to consider suggestions for honorary degrees and honorary fellowships and submit a report to Senate-to review and make recommendations to Senate as regards naming proposals, changes to existing names or the discontinuation of existing names in relation to: University buildings and other significant assets; scholarships and prizes; centres and institutes and foundations-to monitor and advise Senate on governance issues generally as they relate to Senate and the University including induction and continuing education of fellows, Senate performance reviews, committee structure and remits,and related matters-to approve appointments to University-related entities subject to reporting to Senate after the event. [Annual Report 2010, p.61]Terms of Reference:1. Appointed Fellows of SenateWith respect to Appointed Fellows of Senate the role of the Committee is specified clause 46B of the University of Sydney By-Law 1999 (NSW) as follows:46B Nominations procedure relating to appointed FellowsIf the Senate is required to appoint a person under section 9(1)(c) of the Act, the Senate is to request the Nominations Committee to identify persons who may be suitable for appointment. The Committee is:(a) to determine which of the persons identified under subclause (1) or (2) are to be recommended to the Senate:-i). for nomination for consideration for appointment by the Minister, or-ii). for appointment by the Senate, as the case may be, and(b) to recommend the length of appointment for each such person, and(c) to forward those recommendations to the Senate. In determining the persons to be recommended under subclause (3)(a), the Committee is to have regard to:(a) the skills and experience of the continuing Fellows, and(b) the matters referred to in section 9(3) and (4) of the Act. The Senate:(a) is to consider the recommendations forwarded by the Nominations Committee, and(b) is to determine which of the recommended persons are to be nominated for appointment and may select one or more other persons for nomination in place of one or more of the recommended persons, and(c) is to determine which of the persons referred to in paragraph (b) are to be:-i). nominated for consideration for appointment by the Minister, or-ii). appointed by the Senate,as the case may be, and(d) is to determine:-i). in the case of the persons referred to in paragraph (c)(i), the recommended length of appointment for each such person, or-ii). in the case of the persons referred to in paragraph (c)(ii), the length of appointment for each such person.The Senate is, when selecting a person for nomination other than a person recommended by the Nominations Committee, to have regard to the matters referred to in subclause (4)(a) and (b). The Chancellor is to forward the determinations referred to in subclause (5)(c)(i) and (d)(i) to the Minister. Note: In addition to meeting those requirements set out in the By-Law the Committee will give strong weight to the desirability of the inclusion of at least one Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person among the Fellows of Senate2. Honorary awardsWith respect to honorary awards the Committee is to consider suggestions for honorary degrees and honorary fellowships and submit a report to Senate. Documentation received by the Committee will be available to Fellows for inspection.3. NomenclatureWith respect to nomenclature the Committee is to review and make recommendations to Senate as regards naming proposals, changes to existing names or the discontinuation of existing names in relation to: University buildings and other significant assets; scholarships and prizes; centres and institutes and foundations.4. GovernanceWith respect to governance the Committee is to monitor and advise Senate on governance issues generally as they relate to Senate and the University including induction and continuing education of Fellows, Senate performance reviews, committee structure and remits, and related matters.5. Appointments other than to chairsWith respect to the approval of appointments other than to chairs the Committee is authorised by Senate to approve appointments to other University organisations where the appointee is not a Fellow.The Senate committee structure was under review in 2017 and at its December meeting Senate approved the new committee structure and proposed terms of Reference for the four committees and two subcommittees. At the same time Senate decided to delay the external review of Senate to 2019 and decided that the review should include an assessment of the new committee structure model. [SEN -17/6-104, 13/12/2017]The new committee structure did not include a Nominations and Appointments Committee. In 2019 Honorary Awards were awarded by Senate upon recommendation of the People and Culture Committee. [Senate Website accessed 1/7/2019]The external review resulted in a change to the structure approved in December 2017 and on 1 October 2020 a new Nominations Committee was established.During 2019 a People and Culture Nominations Committee existed making recommendations to Senate.