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Copyright and Intellectual Property (IP)

The University Archives support access to our collections for the purposes of personal research and study. The University Archives has identified when content is:

  • owned by the University of Sydney;
  • owned by the University of Sydney in conjunction with third party(ies);
  • owned by third party(ies);
  • considered to be an orphan work; and/or
  • out of copyright.

The specific copyright designation of items can be found within the item entry, under the ‘Copyright Status’ metadata field (‘Access and Use’ Group), displayed on the right panel. The copyright status may be:

  • Protected by Copyright;
  • Copyright Expired;
  • Copyright Unknown;
  • Multiple Copyright Conditions; or
  • Unassessed.

A screenshot of the Access and Use Group in the metadata panel within an item entry.

A description of what the above categories mean for each item can be found on the left panel within the item entry, under the ‘Copyright’ section.

A screenshot of the left panel within an item entry, showing an example of a detailed copyright statement.

This extended copyright statement can also be found within the dialogue box when downloading the item.

A screenshot of the download dialogue box within an item entry, showing the detailed copyright statement.

Please note that Protected by Copyright may identify an item that is owned solely by the University, or an item that is owned jointly by the University and third party(ies). It is imperative to consult the copyright description on the left panel for relevant details about access and use. An item owned by the University of Sydney is available under a Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 Licence ( and can be easily identified by the accompanying logo:

A screenshot of the Creative Commons 4.0 Licence logo.



Please note that use of all items, regardless of copyright status, require appropriate acknowledgment and citation. Please see the relevant item for details about attribution.


Intellectual Property (IP)

There is content made available on this website which may include Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP). The University Archives has made content available in good faith and for the purposes of personal research and study. The protection of ICIP is not always adequately covered by standard copyright legislation, and users should thus carefully consider ICIP rights in their decisions about the use and reproduction of content found on this website. You may be required to obtain cultural clearances and permissions from the relevant First Nations communities and peoples prior to use and/or reproduction of content.


Takedown Notice

If you are concerned that you have found material on this website for which you, as a copyright owner, have not given permission, or that relates to other specific matters such as cultural sensitivity reasons, you have the right to submit a takedown request. Please see our Takedown Notice.


Terms of Use 

Please consult our Terms of Use for additional information regarding access and use of content on this website.


Contact Us

If you require further assistance, please contact us.