Nominations Committee (2020)
In 2020 Senate undertook an external review and established a new committee structure, effective 1 October 2020. One of the committees established was the Nominations Committee. Prior to this Senate at its meeting on 13 December 2017 had adopted a new committee structure which no longer include the Nominations and Appointments Committee (NAC) then in existence. Senate also resolved to delay the external review of Senate until 2019 and decided that that review should include an assessment of the new committee structure model. [SEN-17/6-104, 13 December 2017] During 2019 a People and Culture Nominations Committee existed making recommendations to Senate.Following the external review, the committee structure changed again and a new Nominations Committee was established effective of 1 October 2020.The Nominations Committee monitors and advises Senate on governance issues generally as they relate to Senate and the University.The role of the Nominations Committee is to monitor and advise Senate on:- governance issues generally as they relate to Senate and the University with particular reference to: induction and continuing education of Fellows, Senate performance reviews, Senate committee structure and purposes- ensuring the effective management of risk in areas covered by the Committee’s Terms of Reference - conducting reviews in the areas covered by the Committee’s Terms of Reference.The Committee’s Terms of Reference are reflected in the University of Sydney Delegations of Authority Rule 2020 (‘the Delegations’). The Committee is authorised by Senate to:a) as specified in Clause 46A of Chapter 4A of the University of Sydney By Law, as the Nominations Committee of Senate, identify and recommend to Senate persons who may be suitable for nomination or appointment by Senate, or consideration for appointment by the Minister;b) appoint Fellows and external members to all Senate Committees other than the Nominations Committee; andc) in accordance with Delegation 6.7.4, appoint a person as Senate’s approved representative on a nominated University organisation; andd) conduct reviews in the areas covered by the Committee’s Terms of Reference.[ accessed 14 & 16/07/2021]