IdentifierAGN-00000578Alternative NameSchool of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences (2001 to 10/02/2010)TypeDepartment/Faculty/SchoolDate2001 to 2015CreationVice-Chancellor's approval, VC report to Senate, 37/01 (item 5), 7 May 2001Description
After several years of planning, the School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences was formed in 2001 by the amalgamation of the Departments of Biochemistry (Faculty of Science) and Microbiology (Faculty of Agriculture), both situated in the Biochemistry building, G08 (now renamed to the Biochemistry and Microbiology Building in honour of the former departments).The School was renamed the School of Molecular Bioscience on 11 February 2010.Approved by Senate December 2015 - the Schools of Biological Sciences and Molecular Biosciences joined, with academics from the Faculties of Veterinary Science and Agriculture and Environment to form the School of Life and Environmental Sciences (SoLES) within the Faculty of Science.( (viewed 04/04/2016))Molecular Bioscience was one of the first and largest schools in Australia devoted to research and teaching in the areas of microbiology, biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics, cell biology and human nutrition. The School organisation reflects its research and teaching strengths and priorities being composed of five research disciplines in Structural Biology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Nutrition and Metabolism, and Proteomics and Biotechnology.( (viewed 04/04/2016))
Agency - PreviousDepartment of BiochemistryDepartment of MicrobiologyAgency - Controlled ByFaculty of Science
Metadata StatusComplete
School of Molecular Bioscience (2001 to 2015), [AGN-00000578]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 26/01/2025,