Faculty of Science
Senate at its meeting on 23 December 1881, adopted an extended Scheme of Teaching. This was in consequence of the increased endowment granted by the Government to the University for the year 1882. The scheme was approved by the Minister for Public Instruction and on “the 4th of January 1982 a Committee was appointed to remodel the By-laws, so as to make provision for the new Faculties and Schools which had been determined upon. This Committee reported to Senate on 17 May, embodying a series of resolutions which subsequently formed the basis of a new code of By-laws. These By-laws, of which a copy is appended, were, after careful consideration, adopted by the Senate on 22 June, and were formally sanctioned by His Excellency the Governor on 29 September.” [Annual Report of Senate for 1882]University Calendar 1883-84 p116 By Laws: 119. "The Faculty of Science. The Professors in the faculty of Science together with such other persons as may from time to time be appointed by the Senate, shall form a Board of Examiners for constructing the examinations in the Faculty of Science, and of this Board the Dean of the Faculty or in his absence, the Professor next in seniority shall be Chairman..... 122. There shall be two degrees granted in the Faculty of Science - viz, Bachelor of Science (BSc) and Doctor of Science (DSc)"The first Dean of Science was Archibald Liversidge. While the Faculty of Science formally came into being when the Governor sanctioned the new By-Laws, the right of the University to confer degrees in Science was only affirmed by Act of Parliament in March 1884 when the University Extension Act of 1884 was passed. The first two BSc degrees were awarded in 1885.In December 2015 Senate endorsed SEG's agreed proposal to reduce the number of faculties from 16 to six. The Faculty of Science was retained and was to include the Faculties of Agriculture and Veterinary Science. The Faculty of Veterinary Science became the Sydney School of Veterinary Science and the Faculty of Agriculture became the Sydney Institute for Agriculture. New committee structure requirements for faculty and University schools came into effect from 1 January 2021. On 6 November 2020, Senate approved amendments to the Governance of Faculties and University Schools Rule 2016 (‘GOFUS’) enabling the creation of a consistent faculty/University school committee structure. Under this new rule from 2021, faculties and University schools were required to have the following five core committees: • Research Committee• Research Education Committee• Education Committee• Indigenous Strategy and Services Committee, and• Work Health and Safety Committee.If required, faculties and University schools were able to establish up to three optional faculty layer committees to meet local requirements, and could also establish sub-committees reporting to the core committees. [Staff News, 9 December 2020]Short history of the faculty can be found here: https://www.sydney.edu.au/science/about/our-history.html viewed on 10/12/2020; early development in Australia's First. A History of the University of Sydney. Vol. 1, 1850-1939, 1991Turney, Bygott & Chippendale (ed.)