Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor
In March 2006 Senate endorsed the Vice-Chancellor's restructure of the Senior Executive Group (SEG). The Provost was to assume responsibility for the Deans and the College infrastructure while maintaining a broad overview of the teaching and research environment including Academic Board liaison. Professor Don Nutbeam was appointed the first Provost & Deputy Vice-Chancellor from 3 April 2006. His successor was Professor Stephen Garton who was appointed Provost in August 2009.In October 2018 the Provost was the Vice-Chancellor's senior deputy and together they were responsible for the general management of the University. The Provost exercised, under the direction of the Vice-Chancellor, executive responsibilities and strategic leadership for the delivery of the academic programs of the University and was responsible for the general performance of the faculties, including faculty budgets. He oversaw the conduct, coordination and quality of the programs and the planning of their future development. He was the line manager of all deans.He had general oversight of the University's academic staff with the aim to recruit and retain staff of the highest distinction in teaching and research, and ensure continuous improvement in performance. The Provost’s portfolio also included a range of professional service units and University centres. These included Institutional Analytics and Planning, Summer and Winter schools, the Library, the China Studies Centre, John Grill Centre for Project Leadership, Sydney South East Asia Centre and the Centre for Continuing Education. [source accessed 10/12/2018]Following changes to the Registrar Portfolio it was reported in the Staff News of 7 December 2018 [] that there had been a subsequent review of the function and expectation of the Provost role and portfolio:The Vice-Chancellor and Provost proposed changes to reporting lines for the following functions within the Provost portfolio:- Academic Promotions Unit to transition to the Human Resources function;- Sydney South East Asia Centre and China Studies Centre to transition to the DVC (Research) portfolio;- Centre for Continuing Education and Quality Unit to transition to the DVC (Education) portfolio;- Institutional Analytics and Planning function to transition to the VP (Strategy) portfolio;- Vet Partners function to transition to the Sydney School of Veterinary Sciences in the Faculty of Science.In addition, the Vice-Chancellor had decided to establish a time-limited role of Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor. This role was to be a formal deputy for the Vice-Chancellor, was to actively support external engagement and was to lead the University’s transformation agenda (including co-executive sponsor of the Sydney Operating Model). It was proposed to Senate that the then Provost, Stephen Garton, would move into this role on an interim assignment following the search, selection and appointment of a new Provost which would ensure a carefully planned succession. This transition was likely to take place in mid-to-late 2019.“The current size and scope of the portfolio is unsustainable and has been for some time. As a consequence I haven’t had the opportunity to invest more time in each of the areas that currently report to me,” said Stephen Garton, Provost. “These changes have been carefully considered and are aligned with the strategic direction the University is taking. I look forward to moving into a role where I will be able to concentrate on specific projects of key significance to the University, and I am also pleased to be able to support a phased transition to the role for the incumbent Provost.”The proposed were changes to reporting lines only.On 19 June 2019 the Vice-Chancellor announced in an email to all staff the appointment of Professor Barbara Messerle as new Provost, taking up the position on 9 September 2019. [source: accessed 12/07/2019]In the staff news of 18 August 2020, the Vice Chancellor informed staff that the Professor Barbara Messerle had resigned as Provost and Deputy Vice Chancellor. She would finish at the University on 8 September 2020. The VC had written to senior colleagues on Monday 17 August informing them of her departure."...Given the current hiring freeze and the University’s financial position, I do not intend to fill the post of Provost at this point. In the interim, Faculty Deans will report directly to me and University Heads of School will report to Professor Annamarie Jagose, Dean of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. The University Librarian will report to Professor Duncan Ivison, DVC Research. Other interim arrangements will be confirmed in coming days."The Vice Chancellor announced on 30 August 2021 that Professor Annamarie Jagose would be the new Provost and Deputy Vice Chancellor and take up the position in mid October 2021.Professor Annamarie Jagose.