War Memorial Committee
The War Memorial Committee implemented and completed several tasks including the erection of the Carillon Bells, the new clock, and a Book of Remembrance.
On 19 November 1923, a Committee appointed by Senate met to consider the report of the Advisory Committee on University Life in reference to a privately subscribed War Memorial recommended by the Advisory Committee at the suggestion of the Evening Students Association. The Committee subsequently recommended that the Memorial take the form of a Carillon of Bells. This was adopted by the Senate, which appointed a War Memorial General Committee under the Presidency of the Chancellor.
On March 29th 1924 the first meeting of the General Committee appointed by the Senate was held in the Highland Society's Hall, 89 Phillip Street. An Executive Committee was appointed.
The first meeting of the Executive Committee was held on April 4th 1924.
The volume of minutes includes those of sub-committees such as Structure and Publicity.
The Committee held its last meeting on 9 May 1935, but records continued to be generated until 1937. The Book of Remembrance was finally published in 1941. The Clock was installed in 1928, the Inauguration of the Carillon took place on 25 April 1928, and the Roll of Honour was unveiled on 11 November 1931.