Postgraduate Foundation in Veterinary Science
On 7 December 1964, the Senate approved the establishment of the Postgraduate Foundation in Veterinary Science. The objects of the Foundation were to advise the Senate of the University of Sydney and the Vice-Chancellor on matters associated with the promotion of post-graduate education, study and research in veterinary science and in particular:— (a) to co-operate with the Post-Graduate Committee in Veterinary Science in the furtherance of post-graduate education and research in veterinary science ; (b) to support the Post-Graduate Committee in Veterinary Science in its public relations in the promotion of these objects; (c) to admit to membership of the Foundation persons, firms, companies, institutions and associations whether incorporated or unincorporated and upon such terms and with such privileges as may be determined by the Foundation from time to time; (d) to enter into any arrangement with any institution or organisation which has objects similar to those of the Foundation ; (e) to solicit donations, gifts and bequests to the University of Sydney from members of the public for the promotion of the objects of the Foundation ; and (f) to do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them. On 3 October 1995, Senate by Resolution 100/95 item 7, amended the constitutions of The Postgraduate Foundation and of the Postgraduate Committee in Veterinary Science; disestablished the Committee, to be re-established in 1996. Management of funds held by the Postgraduate Committee regarding continuing education passed to the Postgraduate Foundation in Veterinary Science. Senate resolved(i) to approve the amendments to the Constitution of the Postgraduate Foundation in Veterinary Science and the Constitution of the Postgraduate Committee in Veterinary Science to take effect from 1 January 1996;(ii) to disestablish the present Postgraduate Committee in Veterinary Science on 31 December 1995 and thank its members for their services to the University;(iii) after consultation with the Postgraduate Foundation in Veterinary Science, to transfer all funds remaining in the accounts for the present Postgraduate Committee in Veterinary Science and all its outstanding commitments and liabilities to appropriate accounts of the Postgraduate Foundation in Veterinary Science on 31 December 1995; (iv) to request the members of the new Postgraduate Committee in Veterinary Science to elect in accordance with Clause 4 of the Constitution a Chair to take office on 1 January 1996; and (v) to request the Foundation and the Committee to provide a joint progress report to Senate by June 1996 on their operations. As a consequence of internal restructuring within the University and the review of foundations, the Postgraduate Foundation had to review its position in 2007. The new rules for the Foundation were adopted by Senate at its November 2007 meeting. Senate on 3 December 2007 resolved to disestablish the Postgraduate Foundation in Veterinary Science which would be reformed as a University Centre with effect from 4 December 2007. [Resolution 389/07, incorrectly numbered 3897/07 in the minutes] To allow for alignment with its true function, the Provost resolved to confirm the establishment of the Centre as an educational Centre (not as a foundation), as part of the University’s organisational structure effective from 4 December. [TRIM DOC2008/256815] From [Aug] 2008 the Post-Graduate Foundation in Veterinary Science changed its name to Centre for Veterinary Education (CVE). The Centre was governed by a Management Committee and an Advisory Council.