Centre for Veterinary Education
Senate resolved on 3 Dec 2007 to disestablish the Postgraduate Foundation of Veterinary Science as a University Foundation and approved its establishment as a University Centre.
To allow for alignment with its true function of providing continuing education, the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor approved the establishment of 'The Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinary Science, A Centre of the University of Sydney' as an educational centre (not as a foundation) as part of the University’s organisational structure effective 4 December 2007. [TRIM DOC2008/256815]
The name of the Centre may be changed following consultation with its Advisory Council and Management Committee & final approval of the Provost. On 20 June 2008 the Provost gave approval for the name change from Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinary Science to the Centre for Veterinary Education to take effect on 4th August 2008. [TRIM document DOC2008/329201]
The Object of the Centre shall be to develop and conduct continuing education in veterinary science and related disciplines.
The Centre is authorised to:
(a) Develop, arrange & conduct educational activities of any kind (including but not limited to) lectures, seminars, conferences, publications, and courses of education for veterinary graduates, the veterinary profession or others, by any mode of delivery, live, electronic, in any part of the world, consistent with the object of the University, for which a charge is made or free of charge;
(b) to develop, conduct, support, seek and distribute funds in research areas that advance veterinary practice and veterinary education with particular reference to obligations under the Valentine Charlton bequest and under any future bequests; and
(c) provide opportunities for admission as Members of the Centre and participation in the Centre’s activities as Members, in accordance with these Rules, of any persons including, but not restricted to veterinary graduates, alumni of the University, representatives of industry, the professions, government or the community, staff and students of the University.
The Centre will have a Management Committee, which will interact closely with the Advisory Council and the Director will provide summary reports of meetings to the Advisory Council. The Management Committee will be responsible for ensuring the Centre activities are in compliance with the laws, legislation and regulations as laid out in these Rules. The Advisory Council will comply with any direction of the Management Committee required to ensure such compliance.
Advisory Council: The Centre will have an Advisory Council (with at least 6 but no more than 15 members) which will be responsible for advising the Director with respect to:
(a) The strategic directions and business plan presented by the Director to the Advisory Council annually;
(b) the performance of the Centre in achieving its objectives, business plan and annual budgets;
(c) the operation of the Centre;
(d) the management of the Centre’s activities and resources;
(e) the strategies, policies and procedures to be adopted by the Centre;
(f) strategies for ensuring the financial viability and sustainability of the Centre; and
(g) Centre annual budgets.