IdentifierAGN-00000193Alternative NameMuseum of Normal and Morbid Anatomy (1889 to ?)
JT Wilson Museum of Anatomy
Wilson MuseumTypeBoard/Committee/CouncilDate1889 to CurrentCreationUniversity regulations, Calendar 1889Description
The Museum was established under University Regulations. It is first mentioned in the University Calendar of 1889 (p.141). The Museum was under the Control of a Committee of Management which reported to Senate. Under the Regulations of the Museum of Normal and Morbid Anatomy the Committee of Management for 1889 consisted of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, W Camac Wilkinson MD and JT Wilson MB, MCh. By 1892 the Committee consisted of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine; the Challis Professor of Anatomy, and the Lecturer on Pathology.
The objects of the Museum were:
1. The Museum shall be called the Museum of Normal and Morbid Anatomy and shall be established for the benefit of all the Medical Departments of the University.
2. The Museum shall be under the Control of a Committee of Management to be appointed by the Senate at its first meeting in Lent Term.
3. The Committee shall consist of the Dean of the faculty of Medicine for the time being, together with two members of the Medical Teaching Staff to be chosen by the Senate.
4. The working Curator shall be under the control of the Committee of Management , and in the second Thursday of each term shall transmit to the Dean for the Senate, a report, to be written in a separate book kept for that purpose, of all work he has done since the last report.
5. Requisitions for the expenditure of money in connection with the Museum shall be submitted by the Committee of Management to the Finance Committee of the Senate for its approval.
Related: Admin. files on the Wilson and Shellshear Museums: G3/13/21217 and G3/13/29057.
JT Wilson Museum (1889 to Current), [AGN-00000193]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 10/02/2025,