Board of Studies in Agriculture
The Board of Studies in Agriculture was responsible to the Faculty of Science. The Professorial Board meeting on 16th August 1909 approved the recommendation of the Faculty of Science (documented in the Faculty minutes 3 Aug 1909) to change the by-laws and establish four Boards of Studies within the Faculty including a Board of Studies in Agriculture:One of the functions of the Faculty of Science was:3.—The Faculty shall meet for the purpose of considering and reporting to the Senate upon such subjects as have relation to the studies, lectures, examinations and degrees in Science, and such other subjects as may be referred to it by the Senate; and the following Boards of Studies shall be constituted to report to the Faculty in each department of study: — (a) Board of Studies in Pure Science. (b) Engineering. (c) Veterinary Science. (d) Agriculture."The Board of Studies in Agriculture shall consist of the Professors of Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Geology, Physics, and the Professors, Independent Lecturers, Assistant-Professors and Assistant-Lecturers and Demonstrators in the other subjects required for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture. Its chairman shall be the Professor of Agriculture, but in his absence the members then present shall elect a chairman from amongst themselves. The Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, and Dean of the Faculty of Science shall be ex officio members of these Boards of Studies." [By-Law XXI.3]The By-law was formalised on 31.3.1910, the date of its approval by the NSW Governor in Council. Senate agreed to the changes at its meeting on 4 April 1910.The function of the Board of Studies was to report to the Faculty of Science on the teaching activities of the Department of Agriculture. The By-Law (Chapter XXIIA) pertaining to the Department of Agriculture was approved by the Governor in Council on 24 May 1910. Paragraph 1 states "In the Department of Agriculture there shall be granted the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture." The by-laws were repealed in 1920. New University By Laws in 1920 established ten faculties within the University including the Faculty of Agriculture (Chap IX, 1920 Calendar), the Department of Agriculture and the Board of Studies in Agriculture within the Faculty of Science no longer existed.