Faculty of Health Sciences Standing Committee
Terms of Reference Standing Committee of the Faculty (from Faculty of Health Sciences Governance November 1991, Faculty meeting 26 February 1992):
a) act on behalf of the faculty in exceptional and urgent circumstances and report its actions to the next scheduled meeting of the Faculty
b) arrange in suitable order, draft resolutions submitted by Faculty Committees for consideration of he faculty and comment on these resolutions if considered appropriate
c) provide and arrange in suitable order draft resolutions on those matters other than (b) above that are referred to he faculty
d) take such actions as it deems necessary to ensure that information appropriate to draft resolutions is attached to the agenda
e) exercise discretionary authority to remove an item from the agenda if it does not comply with approved procedures developed by the faculty
f) exercise such authority as is assigned to it by the Faculty from time to time
The Standing Committee of the Faculty shall meet at least 9 days before the scheduled meeting of the faculty to prepare the agenda; a quorum shall be a majority of the membership provided the Chair presides; and , the college secretary or nominee shall normally be in attendance and act as executive officer to the Committee.
The following is from the Faculty of Health Sciences Meeting 9 December 1999, Academic Governance Attachment D item 2.4.4 (Series 1311/3)
Terms of reference:
The standing committee of the faculty shall:
a) act on behalf of the faculty in exceptional and urgent circumstances and report its actions to the next scheduled meeting of the Faculty;
b) determine faculty meeting agendas, exercise discretionary authority to remove an item from the agenda if it does not comply with approved procedures developed
by the Faculty, collate and prepare draft resolutions for consideration by Faculty, ensure that information appropriate to draft resolutions is attached
to the agenda;
c) determine agendas for faculty forums;
d) make recommendations to faculty with regard to future academic directions of faculty;
e) be responsible for the on-going development, implementation oversight and evaluation of the faculty strategic plan;
f) determine whether a proposed degree, diploma or certificate is compatible with the directions and goals of the faculty; (Proposals which are supported in principle by
this Committee will require load/budget approval by the Dean.)
g) Recommend and review priorities for academic development, to ensure that future directions proposed by the Faculty's Schools, Committees or other academic groups
are in the interest of the faculty as a whole;
h) Ensure that faculty planning is consistent with University directions;
i) Exercise such authority as is assigned to it by the faculty from time to time.
The Chair of the Committee shall be the Pro Dean