Remuneration and Benefits Committee
approved renaming & revised Terms of Reference at 7 May 2007 meetingAbolitionSenate meeting 21/09/2009 [res. 259/09]Description
Following the Senate Governance review of Cordiner King & Associates in 2001 Senate approved a new Committee structure early in 2002. Under res. 19/02 it established the Remuneration Committee with the Terms of Reference
To deal with sensitive personal aspects relating to:
- the remuneration and performance evaluation of the Vice-Chancellor
- the performance criteria and assessment against the criteria for senior executives, on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor
with the understanding that once the Committee has established outcomes, it will report back to the Senate.
one person appointed from outside the University
In response to requirements by NSW Auditor-General it was decided to make the Committee’s Terms of Reference clearer and more explicit, allowing the University’s processes to be capable of external audit. At its meeting on 7 May 2007 discussed and approved a tabled document with revised Terms of Reference for the renamed Remuneration & Benefits Committee.
The expanded terms of reference included overview of the University's strategies and policies in the following areas to ensure they attract, motivate and retain employees of sufficient quality as to enable it to achieve if not surpass its aspiration of 1:5:40:
- reward (fixed and variable remuneration including incentives superannuation and other benefits)
- recruitment and retention
- workforce and succession planning
- workplace relations
- organisation development
- compliance with workplace regulations
In 2009 Senate again reviewed its committees. Resulting from the review it approved a new committee structure at its meeting on 21/09/2009 [res. 259/09], in the new structure the newly established Human Resources Committee took over the responsibilities of the Remunerations & Benefits Committee.