Research and Research Training Committee
The review of the Academic Board in 1995 with its following restructure in 1996 meant that all Committees of the previous Board formally lapsed. [Minutes Academic Board 13 November 1996 (item 6 p.2); under Item 13 the following Standing Committees of the Academic Board were established: Undergraduate Studies Committee, Graduate Studies Committee, Teaching and Learning Committee, Research Committee, Library and Information Technology Committee; and Academic Staffing Committee.The new Research Committee had similar functions to the old Research Policy Committee. The new committee's Terms of Reference were:(a) to advise the Academic Board on the promotion of research, scholarship and other creative work within the University;(b) in relation to the Academic Board's research policies: (i) to make recommendations to the Academic Board; (ii) to monitor the implementation and effectiveness of those policies; (iii) to identify resource needs arising from these policies; and (iv) to draw any deficiencies to the attention of the Vice-Chancellor and the Academic Board;(c) to promote and foster the work of faculty research committees;(d) to consider and report on any matter referred to it by the Academic Board or the Vice-Chancellor.2002 saw a review of the Academic Board and Academic Forum. At its meeting of 14 August 2002, the Academic Board noted that, as part of the implementation of the recommendations of the Review of the Academic Board and Academic Forum, the terms of reference of Board standing committees and their sub-committees were being reviewed. On 16 October 2002 the Academic Board adopted terms of reference and constitutions for its committees and their sub-committees. The purpose of the Research Committee was to advise the Academic Board about resolutions, policy and procedures relating to research at the University. The detailed terms of reference can be found in the papers for the Academic Board meetings 16 October 2002, pp29-30.2006 saw a restructure of the Academic Board Committees; the Board's structure was flattened with its main work being carried out by five standing committees. The Research Training Sub-Committee was incorporated into the combined Research and Research Training Committee, which now combined research and research training responsibilities. [Senate 4 December 2006, Item 11, resolution 402/06]. The Research Committee met for the last time on 22 November 2006 and was replaced by the Research and Research Training Committee in 2007. [Academic Board Minutes 13 December 2006, item 13.1] The new Research and Research Training Committee met for the first time in 2007.In 2009 the Academic Board reviewed its structure, partly in response to changes within senior management that created a complementary committee structure under the Senior Executive Group (SEG). As a result the Academic Board reduced the number of its Standing Committees from five to three. Under the new structure the Graduate Studies and Undergraduate Studies Committees remained, while the Academic Staffing Committee now reported to SEG. The Learning and Teaching Committee was replaced by the Academic Standards and Policy Committee and the Research and Research Training Committee was abolished with research training matters being referred to the Graduate Studies Committee. (2009 Annual Report, p.57)