Research Committee (RC) (2009)
Following the appointment of Dr Michael Spence as Vice-Chancellor, Senate approved a new management structure in August 2008. The Senior Management Group (SEG) met fortnightly and was the principal advisory body to the Vice-Chancellor. [Annual Report 2008, p.58]. The 2009 Annual Report notes that SEG had six committees: Education, Research, Research Training, External Relations, International Affairs, and Operating Resources each chaired by a Deputy Vice-Chancellor.In September 2016 the Senior Executive Group was replaced by the University Executive (UE) and the management committees of the UE were restructured to better support the 2016-2020 Strategic Plan.In 2018 the Research Committee's objective was to develop a comprehensive, detailed and evidence-based understanding of the University's research enterprise. It was to provide advice on all research matters, including strategy, policy, support processes, resource allocation and research integrity.Its terms of reference were:The University Executive (UE) Research Committee will:
• Oversee the implementation of the research strategy within the Strategic Plan 2016-20.
• Provide advice to the University Executive on faculty and research strategies, including the development of research compacts, and on other matters relating to research activities.
• Formulate, monitor and report to the University Executive on key research performance indicators and advise the University Executive on strategies to improve performance.
• Monitor developments in domestic and international research policy and practice and advise the University Executive on how the University should respond.
• Assess proposals for major research initiatives requiring significant University funding, particularly those which are cross-disciplinary initiatives, and make decisions relating to research investment within the DVCR's delegation and report on these decisions to the University Executive.
• Monitor and review programs to extend the leadership skills of researchers heading major research initiatives.
• Provide advice regarding other forms of research support which will improve performance, sustain areas of research strength.
• With the Academic Board, develop a program for the systematic review and development of research policies.
• Assess requests for funding through Research portfolio schemes.
• Oversee the implementation of investment in research infrastructure facilities and advise the University Executive on possible areas for future investment.
• Monitor and report to the University Executive on matters of research integrity.
• Develop and monitor strategies to raise awareness about the University's research, and improve public access to research expertise, resources and outcomes.
• Oversee management of risk within the research portfolio to ensure risks are managed within the University's agreed appetite and tolerance levels, and escalate to the University Executive those risks that are outside of the Committee's remit to resolve.The UE Research Committee has the authority to:
• Make decisions on matters within the research portfolio, following the strategic direction agreed to by the University Executive;
• Make decisions on financial allocation to the limit of the DVC (Research) delegation, on proposals formally supported by the BRT process.Relationship with University Executive:
• The UE Research Committee will refer matters to the University Executive only if the matters have an impact on the responsibility of the other UE Committees, or the Chair considers the decision is of strategic importance;
• The UE Research Committee will refer financial decisions to the University Executive above the DVC (Research) delegation; and
• The UE Research Committee will report to the University Executive after each meeting.Committee members have the responsibility to:
• Harness energy and lead activity within this portfolio domain; within Faculties and within University Schools;
• Contribute the perspectives of their Faculties and University Schools to the Committee;
• Feed back to other UE Committees of which they are members, the decisions and discussion of the Committee; and
• Feed back to Faculties and University Schools the decisions and discussions of the Committee.