IdentifierAGN-00000684Alternative NameDepartment of Chemical Engineering (01/12/1947 to 05/03/2006)TypeDepartment/Faculty/SchoolDate01/12/1947 to CurrentCreationSenate approval of changes to Faculty of Engineering By-Laws at 01/12/1947 meeting.Description
The Department of Chemical Engineering was the successor to the Department of Engineering Technology. Professor Eastaugh had been Head of the Department of Engineering Technology. He was succeeded By Professor Hunter who was appointed Professor of Chemical Engineering in 1947. Hunter sought to build up undergraduate teaching in Chemical Engineering and to establish the nucleus of a research school. On 4 and 11 November 1947 the Faculty of Engineering discussed new by-laws for the Faculty. One of the results was that the existing Bachelor of Engineering Technology was discontinued and replaced by a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering. These changes were adopted by the Professorial Board at its meeting on 17 November 1947 and the adopted by Senate at its meeting on 1 December 1947. As a consequence the name of the Department was changed to the Department of Chemical Engineering. This happened before the end of March 1948 [the 1948 Calendar notes on p. 146 that Engineering Technology will be replaced during 1948 by the Department of Chemical Engineering; Professorial Board minutes of 22 March 1948 note that Professor Le Fevre noted, 'that work in Applied Chemistry was now being undertaken in the Department of Chemical Engineering'].
As per Senate Resolution 42/06 (Senate Minutes 6 March 2006), the Department of Chemical Engineering was renamed School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.
Agency - PreviousDepartment of Engineering TechnologyAgency - Controlled ByFaculty of Engineering
Metadata StatusComplete
School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (01/12/1947 to Current), [AGN-00000684]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 13/02/2025,