People and Culture Committee (PCC)
In 2017 Senate reviewed its committee structure. At its meeting on 13 December it approved a new committee structure beginning on 1 January 2018. The People and Culture Committee came into being; it incorporated the Nominations and Appointments Committee (NAC) and Human Resources Committee (HRC) except for the remunerations function of the HRC. The HRC remunerations function became the responsibility of the Remunerations Subcommittee.
The Terms of Reference of the Committee [approved Res. SEN-18/1-12.1 of 23/3/2018] were:
The role of the committee is to monitor and advise Senate on:
• strategic human resources (HR) issues across the University, including:
i. HR structures and processes
ii. HR group reform programs
iii. HR operations
iv. diversity and inclusion strategies especially women’s and Indigenous people’s programs
v. learning and development programs
vi. enterprise bargaining and the Enterprise Agreement
vii. succession planning for senior executive roles including the Vice-Chancellor and his or her direct reports
viii. matters relating to the University’s strategies and policies supporting the recruitment and management of its academic and non-academic staff
• governance issues generally as they relate to Senate and the University including:
i. induction and continuing education of Fellows
ii. Senate performance reviews
iii. committee structure and remits
• the culture at the University, including the need for any reviews or external advice
• safety, health and wellbeing (SHW) related matters, specifically:
i. compliance with SHW legislation as it applies to the University
ii. related risks arising from the activities and operations of the University and affiliated entities
iii. related health and wellbeing related risks arising from or contributing to the activities and operations of the University and affiliated entities
• suggestions for honorary degrees and honorary fellowships
• naming proposals, changes to existing names or the discontinuation of existing names in relation to University buildings and other significant assets, including scholarships and prizes, centres and institutes, and foundations
• ensuring the effective management of risk in areas covered by the committee’s remit
• conducting deep dive reviews in in the areas covered by the committee’s remit.
The Committee’s terms of reference are reflected in the University of Sydney (Delegations of Authority – Administrative Functions) Rule 2016 (‘the Delegations’.
The People and Culture Committee shall form a Remuneration Subcommittee.
[ accessed 14/6/2019]
In 2020 Senate undertook an external review of its committee structure and established the following committees, effective 1 October 2020. The People and Culture Committee continued to be one of the Committees advising Senate., but it no longer had a Subcommittee.
The role of the People and Culture Committee became to monitor and advise Senate on:
a) human resources (HR) policies, structures and processes that support the University’s strategic objectives in:
i. University culture and values;
ii. the attraction, development and retention of academic and professional staff;
iii. remuneration and reward;
iv. diversity and inclusion;
v. workplace relations; and
vi. performance management, succession planning and development programs for senior executive roles including the Vice-Chancellor and his or her executive direct reports;
b) the culture at the University, including the need for any reviews or external advice;
c) effective risk management in areas covered by the Committee’s Terms of Reference, including compliance with legal and regulatory requirements; and
d) conducting reviews in the areas covered by the Committee’s Terms of Reference, including the need for any external advice.
The Committee shall determine and advise Senate on the remuneration and terms of employment of the Vice-Chancellor.
The Committee shall determine the remuneration and terms of employment of:
• Executive positions defined in the Executive and Senior Professional Staff Remuneration Policy 2019; and
• Any non-executive direct reports to the Vice-Chancellor.
The Committee’s Terms of Reference are reflected in the University of Sydney Delegations of Authority Rule 2020 (‘the Delegations’). The Committee is authorised by Senate to:
a) in accordance with Delegation 6.33.1 and 6.33.2, approve establishment, classification, re-classification, appointment and terms of employment for professional positions that directly report to the Vice-Chancellor and for the position of Chief Human Resources Officer;
b) in accordance with Delegation 6.28.1, approve establishment and classification of academic positions:
i. Pro-Vice Chancellor;
c) in accordance with Delegations 6.28.4, 6.28.5 and 6.33.4, approve variation to remuneration for all executives; and direct reports to the Vice-Chancellor in the case of, annual salary review, terms of employment and annual bonus potential review;
d) in accordance with Delegation 6.28.2 and 6.33.2 approve the extension or renewal of fixed term employment, of:
i. Direct reports to the Vice-Chancellor; and any
ii. Executive Dean or Dean;
e) in accordance with Delegation 6.32.1 confer and revoke academic titles for non-professorial staff who occupy the position of:
i. Pro-Vice-Chancellor;
ii. any other principal officer; and any
iii. Executive Dean or Dean
after consultation with the Provost;
f) in accordance with Delegation 6.30.5, terminate the employment of a Deputy Vice-Chancellor, direct reports to the Vice-Chancellor; Chief Human Resources Officer, after consultation with General Counsel and the Chief Human Resources Officer (in the case of direct reports to the Vice-Chancellor);
g) determine and advise Senate on the remuneration and terms of employment of the Vice-Chancellor;
h) approve remuneration policies, incentive plans and the application of those policies to executive, academic and professional staff;
i) confirm the annual performance outcomes for executives (including the Vice-Chancellor);
j) complete an annual review of executive remuneration in accordance with the Executive and Senior Professional Staff Remuneration Policy 2019;
k) review the annual and three-year Internal Audit Plan to ensure audits that fall within the purview of the committee are appropriate, timely and comprehensive;
l) review relevant Internal Audit Reports;
m) complete an annual review of succession and development for executive positions and key roles at the University; and
n) review regular reporting on:
• Enterprise Agreement matters;
• Achievement of Diversity and Inclusion Objectives
• Staff Engagement and Culture Surveys; and
• Key workplace relations matters.
[sources: accessed 14/07/2021 & Annual Report 2020]
In 2019 PCC had a Nominations Committee.