Human Resources Committee
In 2009 Senate reviewed its committees. Resulting from the review it approved a new committee structure at its meeting on 21/09/2009 [res. 259/09]. One of the new committees was the Human Resources Committee. Its Terms of Reference were:
The role of the Committee is to:
Monitor and advise Senate on matters relating to the University's strategies and policies supporting the recruitment and management of its academic and non-academic staff.
Review the performance of the Vice-Chancellor and determine his or her incentive payments, recommend to Senate the terms of employment of the Vice-Chancellor and review and approve the Vice-Chancellor's travel plans.
Review and approve the Vice-Chancellor's recommendations regarding the remuneration, terms of employment and performance assessment of his direct reports.
Ensure the effective management of risk in areas within the Committees remit.
In 2017 the role of the Committee was to:
Approve the appointment of:
- a Pro-Vice-Chancellor;
- any other Principal Officer; or
- a Dean.
Approve the award of an academic title for non-professorial staff who occupy the position of:
- a Pro-Vice-Chancellor;
- any other Principal Officer; or
- a Dean.
Ensure the effective management of risk in areas within the Committee’s remit.
Review the performance of the Vice-Chancellor and determine his or her incentive payments, approve the terms of employment of the Vice-Chancellor.
Review and approve the Vice-Chancellor’s recommendations regarding the remuneration, terms of employment and performance assessment of his direct reports.
Monitor and advise Senate on matters relating to the University’s strategies and policies supporting the recruitment and management of its academic and non-academic staff.
Appointed members had a term of office of two years and no member was to serve more than two consecutive terms.
In 2017 Senate again reviewed its Committee structure and in 2018 the Committee was replaced by the People and Culture Committee.