Higher Degree by Research Scholarships Subcommittee (HDRSSC)
The predecessor of this sub-committee was the Postgraduate Awards Sub-Committee (PGASC) of the Academic Board. At its meeting on 9 June 2016 the PGASC endorsed the recommendation to change it name to Higher Degree by Research Sub-Committee [res. 16/2-9].
After its re-constitution at the Academic Board meeting on 28 November 2017 the Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Scholarships Subcommittee was re-constituted and became a sub-committee of the Graduate Studies Committee of the Academic Board. Its purpose was to advise the Graduate Studies Committee about policy and procedures relating to the award of Australian Postgraduate Awards, University of Sydney Postgraduate Awards, Travelling Scholarships, Grants in Aid and other post-graduate awards, and take decisions in accordance with the University of Sydney (Delegations Authority - Academic Functions) Rule 2016, the Student Recognition Awards Policy 2016, and resolutions of the Senate and the Academic Board relating to HDR scholarships.
The draft Terms of Reference below were subject to discussion at the first meeting of the Subcommittee in 2018, with final approval anticipated at the 6 March 2018 meeting of the Academic Board. The terms of reference were in place in 2019.
Terms of reference:
To act for the Academic Board in awarding specific postgraduate scholarships and advise the Graduate Studies Committee on policy, procedures and selection criteria relating to the award of specific postgraduate scholarships: a. funded by Commonwealth (e.g. APA, IPRS); or b. funded by the University (e.g. UPA, USIS) c. by the Academic Board as specified in scholarship/prize conditions (e.g. travelling scholarships).
To act for the Academic Board in determining University nominations for postgraduate scholarships required by external organisations.
To oversee and monitor the effective implementation of policy and good practice relating to the award of specific postgraduate scholarships.
To exercise all reasonable means to provide and receive advice from the University Executive and its relevant subcommittees.
To provide regular reports on its activities under its terms of reference to the Graduate Studies Committee.
To consider and report on any matter referred to it by the Academic Board, the Vice-Chancellor, the Graduate Studies Committee or the Chair of the Academic Board.