Graduate Studies Committee (GSC)
Reconstituted AB 28 November 2017 (item 4.2)Description
The Graduate Studies Committee was one of six committees supporting the Academic Board after its 1996 restructure. The Graduate Studies Committee had been preceded by the Committee for Graduate Studies (CGS). The existing sub-committees of the CGS, the PhD Award Subcommittee and the Coursework Studies Sub-Committee became sub-committees of the newly established Graduate Studies Committee.
A review of the Academic Board was carried out in 1995, with a Report of the Committee of Review, dated July 1995, submitted to Senate in October 1995. The report proposed that the Board of nearly 400 members be replaced by a two-tiered structure: an Academic Forum of about the same number and an Academic Board of 61 members. The new Academic Board would be supported by 6 committees instead of 12: Undergraduate Studies, Graduate Studies, Teaching and Learning, Research Policy, Library and Information, and Academic Staffing.
The new Board held its inaugural meeting on 13 November 1996. With the establishment of the new Board all Committees of the previous Board lapsed.
The Terms of Reference for the new Graduate Studies Committee were to:
(a) advise the Academic Board on policies relating to all graduate coursework and research studies in the University, including:
(i) attraction and recruitment of students to graduate programs;
(ii) admissions;
(iii) equity and access initiatives;
(iv) assessment and examinations;
(v) provision of facilities and services;
(vi) approval of new graduate programs; and
(vii) approval of changes to graduate degree programs;
(b) advise on the pattern of graduate programs, student outcomes and any measures necessary for their improvement;
(c) advise the Academic Board on the criteria for determining selection for post graduate awards and to determine the successful applicants;
(d) establish effective supervisory practices for postgraduate research students;
(e) advise on the provision of appropriate facilities for research students;
(f) consider and report on any matter referred to it by the Academic Board or the Vice-Chancellor; and
(g) obtain information or reports from any Faculty, department, school or other academic unit relating to graduate studies.
In 2002 on 16 October 2002, the Academic Board adopted terms of reference and constitutions for the its committees and their sub-committees [resolutions 266/02 (2) and 295/02]. The purpose of the Graduate Studies Committee was to advise the Academic Board about Resolutions, policy and procedures relating to postgraduate study at the University and acts as the Academic Board's agent in determining postgraduate matters in accordance with the resolutions of the Senate: Delegations of Authority: Academic Functions. The Committee had the following sub-committees: PhD Award Sub-Committee, Postgraduate Coursework Sub-Committee, Postgraduate Research Training Sub-Committee, Postgraduate Awards Sub-Committee and the Appeals Committee of the Graduate Studies Committee.
In 2006 the Academic Board's structure was flattened , with its main work being carried out by five standing committees. The Postgraduate Coursework Sub-Committee was incorporated into the revised Graduate Studies Committee, which was now be responsible for course approvals, policies and other issues associated with postgraduate coursework. [Senate 4 December 2006, Item 11, resolution 402/06]
In 2009 the Academic Board reviewed its structure, partly in response to changes within senior management that created a complementary committee structure under the Senior Executive Group (SEG). As a result the Academic Board reduced the number of its Standing Committees from five to three. Under the new structure the Graduate Studies Committee and Undergraduate Studies remained, while the Academic Staffing Committee now reported to SEG. The Learning and Teaching Committee was replaced by the Academic Standards and Policy Committee and the Research and Research Training Committee was abolished with research training matters being referred to the Graduate Studies Committee. The Committee's purpose and terms of reference were updated.
The Graduate Studies Committee assists the Academic Board in ensuring the maintenance of the highest standards and quality in teaching, learning, research training and scholarship at the University of Sydney and, in this context, advises the Academic Board about resolutions, policy and procedures relating to postgraduate study at the University and acts as the Academic Board's agent in determining postgraduate matters, including the approval of new and amended courses, in accordance with the Resolutions of the Senate: Delegations of Authority: Academic Functions.
Terms of reference:
1.To monitor issues relating to quality in relation to postgraduate award courses and research training, and to make recommendations to the Academic Board as detailed below.
2.To advise the Academic Board on Resolutions, policy and procedures relating to all postgraduate studies in the University, including the assessment and examinations of postgraduate research candidates.
3.To make recommendations to the Academic Board regarding:
3.1 proposals to introduce new postgraduate award courses and amendments to existing postgraduate award courses, and
3.2 requirements to be satisfied by candidates for the award of a degree, diploma or certificate.
4.To act for the Academic Board in:
4.1 admitting candidates, on the advice of the faculty or board of studies concerned, for higher doctorates, who are not graduates of the University of Sydney, and
4.2 determining, on the recommendation of the faculty or board of studies concerned, whether or not a Higher Doctorate be awarded.
5.To contribute to the development of the University’s strategic objectives in relation to postgraduate study and research training, and to develop, recommend to the Academic Board, and regularly review resolutions, policy and procedures supporting those strategic objectives.
6.To receive reports from, and provide advice to, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education), and, where appropriate, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International) on quality assurance and others matters relating to postgraduate study and research training at the University.
7.To determine matters relating to the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
8.To establish effective supervisory policy and procedures for postgraduate research students.
9.To obtain information or reports from any faculty, school or department, the library or other academic unit on academic matters relating to postgraduate studies.
10.To ensure proper communication channels are established with other committees of the Academic Board and the University Executive to promote cross-referencing and discussion of matters concerning postgraduate students.
11.To determine the terms and conditions of awards, postgraduate scholarships and prizes established within the University.
12.To act for the Academic Board in:
12.1 recognising institutions, programs and courses for the purposes of admission postgraduate coursework and research
12.2 approving special admission schemes for postgraduate courses, and
12.3 confirming academic selection criteria for international students set by deans.
13.To provide regular reports on its activities under its terms of reference to the Academic Board.
14.To consider and report on any matter referred to it by the Academic Board, or its committees, the University Executive or the Vice-Chancellor.
Note: The Chair of the Graduate Studies Committee acts for the Academic Board in varying the requirements for a particular candidate in exceptional circumstances for higher doctorates and the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, in accordance with the Resolutions of the Senate: Delegations of Authority: Academic Functions.
By 2017 the Graduate Studies Committee had two subcommittees, the Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Scholarships Subcommittee and the Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Examinations Committee.
In March 2017 the Academic Board adopted the recommendations of the Academic Board Review item 5.1.3 Overall Committee Structure to review the overall committee structure. [Senate, on 23 August 2017, adopted the University of Sydney (Academic Board) Rule 2017]. At its meeting on 28 November 2017 the Academic Board accepted the proposed new committee structure. The Graduate Studies Committee was reconstituted with the HDR Scholarships Subcommittee reporting to it. [The HDR Examinations Subcommittee became a subcommittee of the newly constituted Academic Quality Committee.]
The purpose of the Graduate Studies Committee was to assist the Academic Board in ensuring the maintenance of the highest standards and quality in teaching, learning, research training and scholarship at the University of Sydney. It advised the Academic Board about Resolutions, policy and procedures relating to postgraduate study at the University and acted as the Academic Board's agent in determining postgraduate matters, including the approval of new and amended courses, in accordance with the University of Sydney (Delegations of Authority – Academic Functions) Rule 2016. The terms of reference to be approved by Academic Board meeting 6 March 2018 (Resolution AB2018/1-3).