PhD Award Subcommittee
In 1996, following the 1995 review of the Academic Board and its committees, the Academic Forum and a new Academic Board were established. The Graduate Studies Committee was one of six committees supporting the Academic Board after its 1996 restructure. The Graduate Studies Committee had been preceded by the Committee for Graduate Studies (CGS). The existing sub-committees of the CGS, the PhD Award Sub-Committee and the Coursework Studies Sub-Committee became sub-committees of the newly established Graduate Studies Committee. The new Board agreed to establish the existing PhD Award Sub-committee of the CGS, as an interim Working Party of the new Graduate Studies Committee. (GSC agenda 21 November 1996 - Report of the October 1996 meeting of the Committee for Graduate Studies Item 2.1)In 2002 the terms of reference of Board Standing Committees and their sub-committees were reviewed as part of the implementation of the Review of the Academic Board and the Academic Forum. [Academic Board on 16 October 2002 (item 5.2.1) Resolution 266/02] The role of the PhD Award Sub-committee was listed as:The PhD Award Subcommittee advises the Graduate Studies Committee about resolutions, policy and procedures relating to the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and takes decisions in accordance with the resolutions of the Senate and the Academic Board relating to the Examination Process for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.Terms of Reference1. To advise the Graduate Studies Committee on resolutions, policy and procedures relating to the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and other higher degrees including professorial degrees. 2. To take decisions in accordance with the Resolutions of the Senate and the Academic Board relating to the examination and award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and other research doctorates at the University of Sydney. 3. To advise on the development of processes for the effective implementation of resolutions, policy and procedures relating to the examination and award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and other research doctorates. 4. To provide regular reports on its activities under its terms of reference to the Graduate Studies Committee. 5. To consider and report on any matter referred to it by the Academic Board, the Vice Chancellor or the Graduate Studies Committee. In 2006, the Chair of the Academic Board advised members that the Board was recommending a realignment of the Graduate Studies and Research Committees. This realignment included incorporating the Postgraduate Research Training Sub-Committee into the Research Committee and realigning the PhD Award and Postgraduate Awards Sub-Committees to have a reporting relationship to the new Research and Research Training Committee. This incorporation and realignment recognised the importance of the researcher/supervisor relationship and would create greater scope for research. [Academic Board agenda 4 October 2006]The role of the PhD Award Sub-Committee was top advise the Research and Research and Training Committee about resolutions, policy and procedures relating to the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and to take decisions in accordance with the resolutions of the Senate and Academic Board relating to the examination process for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Terms of Reference:1. to advise the Research and Research and Training Committee about resolutions, policy and procedures relating to the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and other higher degrees including professorial degrees.2. To take decisions in accordance with the resolutions of the Senate and Academic Board relating to the examination and award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and other research doctorates at the University of Sydney.3. To advise on the development of processes for the effective implementation of resolutions, and procedures relating to the examination and award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and other other research doctorates.4. to provide regular reports on its activities under its terms of reference to the Research and Research and Training Committee 5. to consider and report on any matter referred to it by the Academic Board, the Vice-Chancellor and the Research and Research and Training Committee [Academic Board agenda 15 November 2006, 28 February 2007 & AB resolution 33/07]The PhD Award Sub-committee of the Graduate Studies Committee was renamed the HDR Examinations Subcommittee (HDRESC) of the Graduate Studies Committee and approved by Senate at its meeting on 7 December 2016. This was brought about by a review of the Academic Board in 2016. The Academic Board reviewed its Committee Structure during 2017 and finalised this at its 28 November 2017 Board meeting. The new structure came into effect on 1 January 2018. As a result this committee was re-constituted as a subcommittee of the Academic Quality Committee.