Board of Studies in Indigenous Studies
Following the relocation of the Koori Centre into Academic Group D in 1993, new administrative/management committees were formed in support of academic programs and activities. A Board of Indigenous Studies was formed to supervise the Award of the Diploma in Aboriginal Assistants Education and to foster the development of further appropriate academic programs. This new Board replaced the Board of Studies for the Diploma in Aboriginal Assistants Education which had supervised the award of the Diploma and reported to the Faculty of Education. The newly constituted Board reported directly to the Academic Board.
Report Academic Board 20 December 1993, 245/93 item 14 (Report of the Chair):
The "Board of Aboriginal and Indigenous Studies would be an independent Board (within Academic Group D) established to supervise the award of the Diploma in Aboriginal Assistants Education and to foster the development of further appropriate academic programs. The Board would replace the present Board of Studies which supervises the award of the Diploma and which reports to the Faculty of Education (see Calendar 1993, Vol 1, p.403). The Board would report directly to the Academic Board."
Following the report of the Academic Board of its meeting on 20 June 1994 Senate adopted new resolutions in relation to the Board of Studies in Indigenous Studies and degrees, diplomas and other programs in Aboriginal and Indigenous Studies with effect from January 1995.
The functions of the Board of Studies in Indigenous Studies were:
(1) The Board of Studies shall supervise the award of the degrees, Diplomas and other Academic Programs in the Koori Centre;
(2) In particular the Board
(a) shall supervise the teaching and examining in such subjects as may be provided by the Koori Centre;
(b) shall be responsible for the conduct of examinations in those subjects with the assistance of such examiners as the Board of Studies may from time to time appoint;
(c) shall take cognisance of and encourage scholarship and research in those subjects;
(d) may consider and report to the Academic Board on all matters relating the degrees, diplomas and other papers in the Centre;
(e) shall consider and report upon all matters referred to it by the Senate, Academic Board or the Vice-Chancellor.
At the Academic Board meeting of 22 May 2013, the Dean of the Faculty of Education and Social Work recommended the disestablishment of the Board of Studies in Indigenous Studies and the transfer of the administration of degrees and diplomas awarded by the Board of Studies in Indigenous Studies to the Faculty of Education and Social Work. The Dean also further recommended amendments to the Resolutions of Senate listing the degrees (as offered by the Faculty and the resolutions of Senate relating to the undergraduate and postgraduate degrees to give effect to the transfer of responsibility for administering the courses, with immediate effect.
Senate Resolution 114/13: Board of Studies in Indigenous Studies: Deletion of Constitution
Senate resolved to approve:
(1) the proposal to disestablish the Board of Studies in Indigenous Studies;
(2) the deletion of the Senate Resolutions relating to the Constitution of the Board of Studies in Indigenous Studies and the list of degrees, diplomas and certificates of the Board of Studies in Indigenous Studies; and
(3) the amendment of the Senate Resolutions relating to the list of degrees, diplomas and certificates in the Faculty of Education and Social Work with immediate effect, as set out in the report presented.
(Senate Minutes 1 July 2013)