Sydney University Welfare Association (SUWA)
In 1935, with the idea to promote a social feeling and bring staff together at least once a year, employees of the University formed a committee to arrange a family picnic. The then Vice-Chancellor, Dr RS Wallace had agreed to grant the 18th of December 1935 as a holiday to all who were going to the picnic. All members of the Administrative, Laboratory and Outdoor Staff were included, Teaching staff were assured of a 'hearty welcome'.
The Picnic Committee developed into the University Employees' Picnic and Sports Day Committee. The Committee put much effort into arranging the day, managed to raise many donations to keep ticket prices reasonable. The first Picnic and Sports day proved to be a great success. The need was identified to form some type of staff association/social club to arrange future days and other events.
The University of Sydney Welfare Association (SUWA) was launched at a meeting held in the Department of Zoology on 12th March 1936. A constitution and rules were drawn up and approved by university authorities. The aim of the Association was 'to combine for mutual progress in educational and social spheres'. Technical Education: The University decided that all Juniors in employment would be retained until the age of 21 years, upon the condition that they undertook a course at Sydney Technical College. The course had to pertain to the Department in which they were employed. The Association established a Library to assist the students with textbooks. Social events: included dances, conversaziones, hikes, Christmas parties and the Annual Picnic and Sports Day. (First Annual Report)
By 1973 the Association had purchasing scheme, ran a shop and sandwich bar, provided textbooks to junior members of laboratory staff. operated a transport season ticket and was organising an annual Picnic and Christmas Tree day for members and their families, a golf day, an annual Christas party and annual competitions in soccer, basketball, darts and table tennis. It was also responsible for starting the University Credit Union Ltd.. (University Staff News, Vol 2 No 1 August 1952; 1973 SUWA Bulletin)
By 1985 the' objects of the Association shall be to cater for the general welfare members. The Association shall be strictly non-industrial and non-political. Included in these objects shall be:
(a) To provide services and organise functions for the general benefit of members,
(b) to conduct a Season Ticket scheme.
Association minutes of 9 July 1991 note that the Registrar and Deputy Principal Keith Jennings had asked for a meeting to discuss the future of the Welfare Association. The last minutes for the Association of 30 October 1991 note that a meeting was held with Professor Thom to discuss the future of the Staff Club. There are no further records of the Association to indicate when they may have dissolved.