Centre for Human Aspects of Science and Technology (CHAST)
The Centre for Human Aspects of Science and Technology (CHAST) was formally constituted in 1986 as a Centre within the Faculty of Science at the University of Sydney as an initiative of the Science Centenary celebrations. Its creation recognised the need to promote interdisciplinary integration of scientific knowledge and its impact on humans, our societies and the wider environment. Membership was open to those within and outside the University of Sydney.
Aims of the Centre (abridged from the Constitution)
• to promote the study of the consequences for humans, their societies and the environment, of advances in science and technology, including ethical, historical and philosophical perspectives, by encouraging participation of members of the University and of the wider community. The emphasis shall be interdisciplinary and global with an orientation towards the community and to the future.
• to disseminate the results of this study within the academic and wider community by means of publications, colloquia, seminars, conferences, media presentations and the like;
• to co-operate with any Faculty within the University that may express an interest in offering courses of study related to the Centre's objectives;
• to do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of these objectives.
Since its inception CHAST fostered a diverse range of activities including forum discussion groups, lunchtime and other occasional seminars; seminar series for science research students, staff and members; public lectures, conferences and symposia, sometimes jointly with other groups. It had also undertaken consulting and prepared commissioned reports for government agencies and community groups. Since 1991 CHAST was responsible for administering the Templeton Lectureship Fund and organizing the annual Templeton Lecture. As well as organising the annual Templeton Lecture, it organised regular lecture series, workshops and publications.
As part of a regular 5 year review in 2013, it was recommended that CHAST discontinue as a University Centre. The Centre was closed and became the Committee for Human Aspects of Science and Technology within the Faculty of Science. The Group Secretary received advice on 14 My 2014 that the Centre had been closed, funds had been moved to an account in the faculty and that there were no staff or students in the former Centre. Following this advice the Group Secretary removed the Centre from the Centres' list and noted it as a closed Entity. [HPCM: DOC2014/548280, RE: CHAST closure, 14/05/2014] There was a website for the Committee in 2015 which is now no longer live.