Board of Primary Teacher Education [Sydney Teachers College (STC)]
At its meeting of the Academic Board on 17 June 1976 it was decided to establish Board of Studies for the Divisions of Primary, Secondary and Graduate Studies. Each Board was to comprise:
a) Head of Division as Chair b) the Principal and Vice Principal (ex officio) c) three student members d) Head of Library Services, or nominee e) members of academic staff who were members of the academic Board or who were nominated by their Head of Department.
The first meeting was held on 8 July 1976.
At the Academic Board meeting of 17 November 1977, the constitution of all Board of Studies was changed to:
a) Head of Division as Chair b)Deputy Head of Division (Deputy Chair), and one Head of Department (or nominee) from each curriculum area c) Program Directors not being heads of departments for each year of the diploma and Grad Dip d) two members of staff appointed by Head of Division to represent Special education and Infants Education e) One staff representative elected from and by each of the curriculum areas f) Representation from departments offering professional courses: i. education 3; ii. Educational technology 1; iii. English Studies 1. g) Director of General Courses, or nominee. h) Secretary or nominee i) Head of Library services or nominee j) Four students from the program areas in (c)
The functions of the Boards of Studies were set out as:
1)to consider matters concerning the academic work of the Division, and make recommendations to the Academic Board.
2)(a) consider and make recommendations concerning matters submitted to it (b) refer matters to heads of departments, members of staff or elsewhere in the College for consideration and report (c) make recommendations with reference to: courses of study within the Division, selection, examination and classification of students, award of prizes, school experiences, resources, the Library in relation to the academic work of the Division, administrative procedures affecting the work of the Division, relationships between the Division and other institutions, professional development of staff including research, allocation of finance, advertisement of students, and other matters relating to the organisation and functioning of the Division.
In December 1978 a review of the operations of the Board was conducted (on file 76/815). The recommendations coming from this review were that in 1979 the functions continue unchanged; that an Advisory Committee be established to advise on educational, school and community matters associated with training primary teachers; and that the incoming boards be granted the responsibility and authority needed to ensure the coordination and articulation or primary program components.
In 1981 a proposal was made to restructure the Board. given the amalgamations at the end of 1981 it is assumed no restructuring occurred.