IdentifierAGN-00000248TypeBoard/Committee/CouncilDateCirca 1854 to ? 30/10/1861CreationSenate resolution 22 May 1854Description
By resolution Senate appointed a permanent building committee at its meeting on 22 May 1854. At this meeting Senate considered a report by the Subcommittee appointed to consider the steps necessary to be taken for procuring Plans ad Designs for the new university building. The subcommittee recommended that Mr Blacket be officially be appointed by Senate to act as their architect and that a permanent building committee be appointed 'under whose directions Mr Blacket shall be required to prepare all necessary plans, drawings, and specifications, and to perform all other duties incidental to his office, as they may direct; such Building Committee to make regular reports of their proceedings at each monthly meeting of the Senate.The new Committee consisted of the following members: The Provost, The Vice Provost, Mr Justice Therry, Rev W B Boyce and H G Douglas Esq.
Alternate IdentifierOld Control Number: G1/4Metadata StatusComplete
Building Committee (Circa 1854 to ? 30/10/1861), [AGN-00000248]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 25/01/2025,