University of Sydney Physics Foundation Council
Science Foundation for Physics Council (05/09/1966 to 08/12/2011)TypeCentre/FoundationDate08/06/1953 to CurrentDescription
The Science Foundation for Physics (within the University of Sydney) was established in 1953 as the Nuclear Research Foundation. The Nuclear Research Foundation's constitution was approved by Senate on 8 June 1953 and the Council of the Foundation held its inaugural meeting on 11 March 1954.
At a special meeting on 18 August 1966 the Council of the Foundation passed a resolution to change its name to the Science Foundation for Physics within the University of Sydney, its new name being more descriptive of its then current activities. This name change was approved by Senate at its meeting on 5 September 1966. In 1989 the constitution was revised - the first major revision since the Nuclear Research Foundation was established in 1954.
By 2006 the University had taken a new approach to governance of Foundations and established new rules for existing and new Foundations within the University. It recognised the valuable role of foundations in contributing to the resources of the University. In regard to the Science Foundation for Physics, Senate, under item 5 Foundation Rules, adopted new rules for the Foundation as set out in the report presented, to take effect on 1 December 2006.
Rule 4 laid out the Object of the Foundation and compliance with law
4.1 the object of the Foundation (Object) shall be to increase the resources of the University (by fundraising or otherwise securing gifts and grants or by securing the provision of services or other non-financial contributions) to assist the Senate and the Vice-Chancellor in the promotion of the object of the University in relation to the field of physics, through the School of Physics, and to co-operate with the School of Physics, the Faculty of Science and the University in promoting the significance of science and developing an understanding of its importance both within Australia and internationally.
4.2 The Foundation is authorised for the purposes of its Object, to:
(a) seek to acquire by gift, bequest or devise to the University, property (including money, land, goods, services and other rights or benefits) (Resources) subject to prior written approval of each acquisition (being an approval of the specific acquisition or approval of a program of acquisitions oh which the specific acquisition forms part), in accordance with the University's Delegations of Authority - Administrative functions;
(b) provide advice to the School of Physics about the application of any Resources;
(c) provide opportunities for any admission as Members of the Foundation and participation in the Foundation's activities as Members, in accordance with these Rules, of any persons including, but not restricted to, alumni of the University, representatives of industry, the professions, government or the community, staff and students of the University;
(d) recommend to the University Officer (Foundations) particular purposes (within the scope of the Foundation's Object) for which the Foundation may seek to acquire Resources, including for example (but not limited to) libraries, conferences, seminars, lectures, publications, scholarships, grants to undergraduate or post-graduate students, travelling scholarships, travel by scholars, researchers, or teachers, secondments, visiting scholar programs, acquisition of equipment, relationships with alumni, industry, the professions, government, schools or the community, the purchase or construction of buildings or other facilities;
(e) encourage philanthropy and other charitable activity in support of the Object; and
(f) arrange or conduct activities such as lectures, seminars, conferences, publications or any other such activities, consistent with the object of the University, for which a charge is made or free of charge, on condition that the University Officer (Foundations) is given either to the specific activity or t a program which includes the specific activity.
The Council of the Science Foundation for Physics resolved at its meeting of 9 December 2011 to change its name to the University of Sydney Physics Foundation. The name change was submitted to Senate in a 'Faculty of Science Submission to Senate March 2012' and approved by the Chancellor under delegated authority Pt 5.5 of the Delegations.
Foundation Rules 2016:
Objects of the foundation
(1) The objects of the foundation are to:
(a) increase the resources of the University, by fundraising or otherwise securing gifts, grants, the provision of services or other non-financial contributions; and Foundations Procedures 2016 Page 2 of 11
(b) assist the Senate and Vice-Chancellor in promoting the object of the University in relation to research, education and scholarship in the field of physics through the School of Physics of the University.
(2) The foundation is authorised, for the purposes of and consistently with its objects, to:
(a) seek to acquire resources by gift, bequest or devise to the University, subject to prior written approval of each acquisition, in accordance with the Administrative Delegations, and relevant University policies and procedures;
(b) encourage philanthropy and other charitable activity in support of its objects;
(c) recommend to the University Officer (Foundations) purposes for which it may seek to acquire resources;
(d) arrange sponsorships and or partnerships with external organisations provided that that approval is given in accordance with the Administrative Delegations;
(e) provide advice to the School of Physics about the application of any resources;
(f) provide opportunities for admitting members to the foundation and members’ participation in its activities, in accordance with these rules; and
(g) arrange or conduct activities, such as lectures, seminars, conferences, publications or other activities, consistent with the object of the University and subject to the approval of the University Officer (Foundations).