University of Sydney Physics Foundation
Science Foundation for Physics (05/09/1966 to 08/12/2011)TypeCentre/FoundationDate08/06/1953 to CurrentCreationSenate 08/06/1953Description
On 8 June 1953 the Senate of the University ratified the Constitution of the Nuclear Research Foundation within the University of Sydney. The inaugural meeting was held on 11th and 12th March 1954.
The objects of the Foundation as set out in Article 3 of its Constitution are to advise the Senate and the Vice Chancellor on matters associated with Nuclear Research in the School of Physics within the University and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, in particular to-
a) promote and foster develop and assist Nuclear Research in the School of Physics
b) co-operate with the school of Physics in furtherance of Nuclear Research
c) recommend grants to the School of Physics for the purchase of plant, equipment and materials or otherwise for the promotion of Nuclear Research, from funds raised by the Foundation by way of fess, donations and the like
d) promote research into Physics generally
e) admit to membership of the Foundations persons, firms, companies and associations, whether incorporated or unincorporated and upon such terms and with such privileges as may be determined from time to time
f) recommend the printing of publications and the issue thereof to members of the foundation and others
g) arrange for lectures, exhibitions and demonstrations
h) assist the University to acquire and turn to account patents, patent rights or inventions, copyright designs, trade-marks or secret processes
i) assist in arranging visits from abroad of experts in Nuclear Research or in other branches of Physics
j) enter into any arrangements with any institution or association having objects similar to those of the Foundation
k) solicit donations, gifts and bequests t the University of Sydney for the School of Physics from members of the public
l) do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them
The Foundation raises the funds to further its aims and objects by annual subscription from ts members, limited to 100 and by gifts and donations. Two outstanding gifts of 50,000pounds each, from two of its members, have made possible the establishment within the School of Physics, of the following facilities -
The Adolph Basser Computing Laboratory and The F.B. S. Falkiner Nuclear Research Laboratory. (University Calendar 1957 p380)
Senate approved the name change to the Science Foundation for Physics 5 September 1966. At the 35th AGM 7 December 1989 the constitution was revised - its first major revision since the Nuclear Research Foundation was established in 1953:
Objects of the Foundation are to advise the Senate of the University and the Vice Chancellor on matters associated with Science in the School of Physics within the University...
a) promote, foster, develop and assist Science in the School within the University.
b) co-operate with the School in furtherance of Science and promote research in Physics generally
c) solicit donations, gifts and bequests to the University for the School from members of the public
d) recommend grants to the school for the purchase of plant, equipment and materials, or otherwise, for the promotion of Science, from funds raised by the Foundation by way of fees, donations and the like.
e) assist the University to acquire and turn to account patents, patent rights or inventions, copyright designs, trade marks or secret processes
f) recommend the printing of publications and the issue thereof to members of the Foundation and others
g) arrange for lectures, exhibitions and demonstrations
h) assist in arranging visits from abroad of experts in Science
i) enter into any arrangement with any institution or association having objects similar to those of the Foundation
j) do all things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the above objects.
9 December 2011 the name changed to the University of Sydney Physics Foundation.
There is overlap in a number of series as different agencies and series were created when it was only the name that changed:
2008/7767 (registered file on HPCM)