School of Chemistry
A School of Chemistry and Experimental Physics was one of the 3 schools of the University described in the University calendar of 1865. University Calendars from 1876-77 to 1895 list only 2 schools, with Chemistry and Experimental Physics under Natural science, part of the School of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. These Schools were within the Faculty of Arts. Schools were not recorded in the Calendar of 1896, nor in the Faculty of Science, established in the 1880s. Nevertheless, the minutes of the meeting of Senate in December 1881 list 7 schools including Chemistry (inorganic, organic and practical chemistry, mineralogy and metallurgy).
The term School has never been defined by the University of Sydney. By-Laws relating to departments and schools, chapter VIII 22-26 were first published in the University calendar in 1976. In earlier decades, the use of the term school and department in records of the University is noted for its inconsistency.
The present School of Chemistry dates from the Senate Meeting of 1 December 1947. At its meeting on 2 July 1951, Senate defined the responsibilities of Head of School and each of the Professors within the School.