IdentifierAGN-00000116TypeDepartment/Faculty/SchoolDate? 1928 to 1993CreationJC Earl papers P99/12 (1931-1948)Description
The Senate established a Chair of Organic and Applied Chemistry in 1912. (refer to Senate Minutes, February 1912: G1/1/13 page 338). A copy of the conditions of appointment is attached to the Minutes of the Senate meeting held on 31st October 1912 at which R Robinson DSc was appointed to the Chair (G1/1/13 page 425). These conditions make no reference to any administrative responsibilities nor to 'department' or any administrative entity.
The term 'department' has not been defined by the University of Sydney as pointed out at the meeting of the Professorial Board in December 1973. By-laws pertaining to departments/ schools were first published in the University Calendar in 1976 - chapter VIII 22-26. These amended by-laws were approved by Senate in 1973. Nevertheless, the term 'department' was widely used to denote the administrative domain of a Professor. However, there are numerous cases of multi-professorial departments (refer to Registrar's correspondence file: G3/13/64307). There are also instances of the use of the term 'department' in the absence of a corresponding Chair eg. in 1911, the Science Faculty minutes state that S H E Barraclough spoke of "courses in the Department of Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture"; and both Barraclough and Prof W H Warren wrote of "the Mechanical Engineering Department" prior to the existence of a Chair of Mechanical Engineering (refer to G22: Administrative History).
University Calendar 1992-3 notes Department of Organic Chemistry.
University Calendar 1994-5 notes School of Chemistry.
Department of Organic Chemistry (? 1928 to 1993), [AGN-00000116]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 26/01/2025,