Research Committee (RC) (1941)
Postgraduate Studies and Research Committee
Committee of Graduate Study and Research
Research Committee [Professorial Board]TypeBoard/Committee/CouncilDate1941 to 1995AbolitionAcademic Board Meeting March 1994Description
The Research Committee grew out of the Research Committee (Commonwealth Grants) set up by the Vice-Chancellor. That Committee was responsible for the administration of the grants received from the Commonwealth Government for scientific research and for research into Reconstruction problems; the Committee also examined details of the projects submitted by applicants for Research Grants.
At its meeting on 15 Dec 1941 the Professorial Board decided to set up a Post-Graduate Studies and Research Committee; on 9 Feb 1942 members noted that Senate had resolved that a permanent committee be set up called the Post-Graduate Studies and Research Committee within the University to be appointed by the Professorial Board. That Committee met twice. It reported to the Professorial Board on 23 Nov 1942 that it should be dissolved and that there should be in place a Research Committee to deal with all aspects of research. The Committee to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and to report through him to the Professorial Board. The first meeting of the newly constituted Research Committee was held on 7 April 1943.
On 19 June 1950 the Professorial Board decided to constitute a Committee of Graduate Study and Research appointed in the first instance to deal with the PhD degree. The Committee was constituted as Committee of Graduate Studies and Research. Again this Committee was short-lived; Senate at its meeting on 1 Dec 1952 adopted amendments proposed to Chapter XIXc (Committee of Graduate Studies & Research) changing the Committee's name to Research Committee and expanding the Committee's functions. Practically the functions of the Committee of Graduate Studies and Research were subsumed by the Research Committee.
The University Calendar 1954 By Laws Chapter XIXc p 263, define the Research Committee:
1. There shall be a Research Committee* which shall consist of the Chairman of the Professorial Board, the registrar and seven members elected by the Professorial Board, of whom one shall be chosen from the Faculty of Arts, one from the Faculty of Law, one from the Faculty of Science, one from the Faculty of Economics, one from the Faculty of Medicine or the Faculty of Dentistry, one from the Faculty of Engineering or the Faculty of Architecture, one from the Faculty of Veterinary Science or the Faculty of Agriculture, together with up to six other members co-opted by the aforesaid members. (*The Vice Chancellor shall act as Chairman of the Research Committee at its meetings when the annual allocation of research funds takes place.)
2. The first election of the committee shall be in May, 1953. The Committee shall hold office until 31 May, 1954. Thereafter the election shall be held in May of every alternate year, and the Committee so elected shall hold office for a period of two years from the first day of June following the election.
3. The Committee shall be responsible for the encouragement of scholarship and research and for the consideration of all matters relating thereto. In particular it shall consider and make recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor regarding the allocation of funds for the projects submitted to it by the Heads Departments and appointments to positions in connection therewith. Such appointments shall be tabled at the next meeting of the Professorial Board. The Committee shall report to the Professorial Board at least once a year on the research work being carried out in the University.
On recommendation of the Policy Advisory Committee the Academic Board at its meeting in March 1994 resolved to reconstitute the Research Committee with new terms of reference and composition, the new committee to be called the Research Policy Committee. The Research Committee was responsible for the encouragement for scholarship and research and for the formulation of research policy and the distribution of funds under the various University grant schemes until the new structure of the was in place.