Guild Teachers College Limited
In 1977, as a condition of government financing, the College became a separate body dissociated from any employing authority, viz., the Teachers Guild, with its own autonomous Council. To effect this change, the College was incorporated on 24 March, 1977, as the Guild Teachers College Limited.
SERIES HISTORY: The Guild Teachers College was established in 1969 by the Teachers Guild of New South Wales, as a continuation of the Guild's teacher training activities. The College was administered by the Guild's Teacher Education Committee until 1975, when the College wished to qualify as a College of Advanced Education. As part of that process, the Guild's Committee was replaced by the Guild College Council. Furthermore, in order to obtain Government finance, a distinct separate body from the Guild, with its own autonomous Council, was required. As a result, the College incorporated on 24 March, 1977 as the Guild Teachers College Limited. As a registered company, it was required under the New South Wales Companies Act, 1961, to hold annual meetings of its members. Articles 13 to 37 of the corporation's Articles of Association set out the legal requirements for calling Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings and the procedures to be followed at those Meetings. Generally, the agenda for Annual General Meetings included items on membership, the financial accounts for the year and the Chairman's annual report.