Board of Social Studies
On 5 February 1940, the Vice-Chancellor reported to Senate that he had received a letter from the Minister for Education stating a grant of 600 Pounds would be made available for the current financial year towards the establishment of a Department of Social Work and that 2,600 Pounds per year would be available as a grant in subsequent years towards the costs of that Department. Consideration of the establishment was stood over until the Senate meeting of 19 February 1940 when Senate resolved to establish a Board of Studies in Social Service Work with a view to instituting courses for a Diploma in Social Service Work within the University of Sydney. 13 members were appointed to the Board of Studies with the option of appointing other members at a later date; and the Department of Social Studies running the two year course leading to a Diploma in Social Studies was established. The Board of Social Studies reported to Senate.By Law XXXA published in the 1940 Calendar outlined establishment, constitution and functions of the Board:2. For the supervision and training of students proceeding to the Diploma, there shall be a Board of Social Studies appointed by the Senate. Such Board shall consist of not more than fifteen members, of whom at least five shall be members of the Teaching Staff. The Board shall be constituted annually by the Senate at its meeting in November. Retiring members shall be eligible for re-appointment. The Senate may fill vacancies from time to time as it shall see fit.3. The Board shall at its first meeting after its appointment in each year elect a Chairman from among its members.4. At any meeting of the Board six members shall form a quorum.5. All actions taken by the Board shall be subject to the Bylaws and to any directions which may be given by the Senate.6. The Senate shall appoint a Director of Social Studies and shall determine both the tenure of the office and the salary. It shall be the duty of the Director to exercise a general supervision over the training of students, and to be responsible for the general organisation of such work, under the direction of the Board.7. The Director shall be the Executive Officer of the Board.8. The Board may, on the recommendation of the Director, make such arrangements as are practicable and desirable with public departments and voluntary agencies engaged in social work for the assignment of students to them for practical work.9. The Board shall from time to time recommend the names of qualified persons for employment as lecturers and tutors, and the Senate may, at its discretion, authorise the appointment of such persons.10. The Board shall, in the month of June each year, lay before the Senate a report of its proceedings for the previous twelve months. With the introduction of the Diploma in Social Work the Diploma in Social Studies was discontinued and no new students were admitted to the course after 31 December 1957 and, except with the special permission of the Board of Studies in Social Work established under Chapter XXXB of the By-laws, the Diploma was not awarded to a candidate who failed to complete all requirements for the Diploma by 31st December, 1960. With the establishment of the new Board of Studies in Social Work the Board of Social Studies was abolished:"Notwithstanding the provisions of this Chapter, as from the date of the establishment of the Board of Studies in Social Work constituted under Chapter XXX B of the By-laws, the Board of Social Studies shall be abolished and the powers and functions of that Board as prescribed in these By-laws shall be exercised by the Board of Studies in Social Work and references to the Director of Social Studies shall be read as reference to the Director of the Department of Social Work." [By-Laws Chap XXXA, 1956 Calendar] The first meeting of the Board of Studies in Social Work was held on 2 August 1955. At the meeting it was reported that the Governor ad Executive Council had approved the changes to the By-Laws XXXA & XXXB. The new Board of Studies in Social Work reported to the Professorial Board on all matters relating to the Diploma course.