Board of Studies in Pure Science
The Board of Studies in Pharmacy was not constituted by University by-laws.The by-law constituting the Board of Studies in Pure Science was approved by the Governor in Council on 31 March 1910. The new by-law, no XXI replaced the former by-law, XVIII, pertaining to the Faculty of Science. Paragraph 3 includes the following Boards of Studies shall be constituted to report to the Faculty in each department of study: (a)Pure Science (b)Engineering (c)Veterinary Science (d)Agriculture. The Board of Studies in Pure Science shall consist of the Professors, Independent Lecturers, Assistant professors, and Assistant Lecturers and demonstrators in the subjects required for the Degree of Bachelor of Science. Its chairman shall be the Senior Professor on the Board. The function of the Board of Studies in Pure Science was to report to the faculty on those matters pertaining to the study of pure science as distinct to the applied sciences of engineering, agriculture and veterinary science.The Faculty of Science's report to alter its constitution to establish Boards of Studies is documented in Faculty of Science minutes of 3 August 1909. The Senate on 9 August 1909 referred this report to the Professorial Board. At its meeting on 16 August 1909; the Professorial Board approved the recommendation of the Faculty of Science that the by-laws be changed and that four Boards of Studies be established within the Faculty.The by-law constituting the Board of Studies in Pure Science was repealed in 1920 along with all university by-laws.The new by-law (no XIII) pertaining to the Faculty of Science did not provide for any Boards of Studies. This followed the report of a committee appointed by the Professorial board to consider the constitution of existing faculties; the report recommended the establishment of 6 new faculties. At its meeting on 16 December 1919, Professorial Board resolved to recommend the report to the University senate. The Professorial Board report was adopted by senate at its meeting in February 1920. The new faculties established by the University were Engineering, Dentistry, Veterinary Science, Agriculture, Economics and Architecture. Other than for the Board of Studies the roles of the old Board of Studies were taken over by the faculties.