Admissions Subcommittee (ASC)
Admissions Committee [Undergraduate Studies Committee] (1995 to 06/12/2011)
Admissions Committee [Academic Board] (07/12/2011 to 2016)TypeBoard/Committee/CouncilDate24/08/1977 to CurrentCreationRevised Academic Board (AB) Sept 1989; sub-committee of Undergraduate Studies Committee in 1996; AB 266/02, 16 Oct 2002; AB 289/11 (7 December 2011), AB 2017/8-8 (28 Nov 2017); AB2018/2-11 (1 May 2018)Description
The Academic Board Admissions Committee first met on 24 August 1977. It was created in response to a reference from the Senate, to the Academic Board to provide it with an assessment of the effects of possible biases in the selection of entrants to the University. The Academic Board then established the Committee to consider this reference and to report on the possibility of a pilot study on the intake of a small number of school leavers selected on alternative criteria and consider a possible extension in the numbers of special entry schemes for mature students and disadvantaged students.A review of the Academic Board in July 1989 resulted in a revised constitution for the Admissions Committee, approved by the Board at its September 1989 meeting. The Admissions Committee was concerned with the University's undergraduate admissions policy and procedures.Following a review of the Academic Board and its structure in 1995 the Admissions Committee became a sub-committee of the Undergraduate Studies Committee advising the Undergraduate Studies Committee about resolutions, policy and procedures relating to admissions to undergraduate award courses at the University of Sydney. After a review of the Academic Board and Academic Forum the Academic Board approved amended terms of reference and constitution for the Committee at its meeting 16 October 2002, [AB 266/02], Terms of reference in Academic Board papers pp.15-16.Terms of Reference:1. To advise the Undergraduate Studies Committee on:
• Resolutions, policy and procedures relating to all undergraduate admissions to the University:
• the maintenance of accurate and complete information relating to admissions Resolutions, policy and procedures; and
• issues relating to admissions not based solely on UAI.2. To make recommendations to the Undergraduate Studies Committee regarding:
• English Language requirements for admission to undergraduate award courses;
• requirements to be satisfied by candidates for the award of a degree, diploma or certificate;
• recognition of institutions, programs and courses for the purposes of admission;
• approval of admissions criteria in addition to UAI;
• approval of preparatory programs of study in prior learning;
• approval of special admissions schemes;
• confirmation of academic selection criteria for international students set by Deans; and
• University-wide Credit Transfer Policy.3. To oversee and approve the publication of admissions advice.4. To monitor issues relating to quality in relation to admission to undergraduate award courses, and to make recommendations to the Undergraduate Studies Committee as appropriate.5. To provide an annual report on its activities under its terms of reference to the Undergraduate Studies Committee.6. To consider and report on any matter referred to it by the Academic Board, the Vice-Chancellor, the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Chair of the Academic Board.The purpose and terms of reference of the Committee were defined again at the Academic Board meeting 7 December 2011 (AB 289/11). At this meeting the Admissions Committee was also elevated from a subcommittee to a standing committee reporting to the Board. The terms of reference were amended AB16/2-5 (30 March 2016): The purpose of the Admissions Committee was to advise the Academic Board and its committees about resolutions, policy and procedures relating to admissions to award courses at the University of Sydney.Terms of Reference:1. To advise the Academic Board on:a. resolutions, policy and procedures relating to all student admissions to the University; andb. issues relating to admissions not based solely on the Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR).2. To make recommendations to the Academic Board, or, if deemed appropriate by the Admissions Committee to the Undergraduate Studies Committee and/or the Graduate Studies Committee, regarding:a. English language requirements for admission to award courses;b. recognition of institutions, programs and courses for the purposes of admission;c. approval of admissions criteria in addition to the ATAR;d. approval of preparatory programs of study in prior learning;e. approval of special admission schemes;f. confirmation of academic selection criteria for international students set by Deans; andg. University-wide Credit Transfer Policy for all coursework.3. To oversee and approve the publication of admissions advice.4. To exercise all reasonable means to provide and receive advice from the Senior Executive Group and its relevant subcommittees.5. To provide an annual report on its activities under its terms of reference to the Academic Board.6. To consider and report on any matter referred to it by the Academic Board, the Vice Chancellor, Academic Board committees or the Chair of the Academic Board.After a 2016 review of the Academic Board and its committee structure the Admissions Subcommittee was overseen by the Academic Standards and Policy Committee of the Academic Board. (The Academic Standards and Policy Committee had been established following the review of the Academic Board in 2009.) In 2018 the purpose of the Admissions Subcommittee was to advise the Academic Standards and Policy Committee and the Undergraduate and Graduate Studies Committees of the Academic Board about resolutions, policy and procedures relating to admissions to award courses at the University of Sydney. The Subcommittee receives and comments on reports about:
• assessment of prior learning undertaken for the purpose of granting credit for units within a course of study or toward the completion of a qualification;
• conduct of such assessment according to institutional policies;
• recording results and advising students of outcomes in a timely fashion; and
• consistency with the Coursework Policy 2014, Coursework Credit Procedures 2015; University of Sydney (Higher Degrees by Research Rule) 2016, Go8 Credit Transfer Agreement, and individual Faculty, University School or school credit requirements. For complete terms of reference see AB2018/2-11 (1 May 2018).