Student Profile Planning Committee (SPPC)
At the 26 April 2019 meeting of the University Executive, the creation of a University Executive Committee titled the UE Student Profile Planning (UE SPP) Committee and Terms of Reference was endorsed, effective
The primary role of the Committee is to oversee and coordinate strategy in the student profile and load planning space and facilitate continuous improvement in the quality of the students admitted to the University.
The UE Student Profile Planning Committee will:
1. Establish long-term planning parameters for student load.
2. Monitor the key mix of international and domestic students and the patterns of load distribution across the University.
3. Ensure that load planning aligns with the broader university financial plan.
4. Ensure those parameters shape the annual, 3-year and 5-year budget planning cycle.
5. Review market intelligence to inform target setting and program provision.
6. Monitor faculty load and budget planning to ensure that they align to the broader university strategy and financial plan.
7.Ensure that faculty and external engagement marketing and recruitment strategies support each other.
8.Propose strategies to UE to change the mix of student load.
9. Monitor the mix of domestic and international students, and target groups within each category, in load planning and advise on key strategies to ensure the optimal mix of students.
10. Canvas strategies for ramping up or damping down load in key areas to ensure that we manage the risks of intervening in the market more carefully through an appropriate risk assessment.
11. Monitor the annual admissions round to ensure that the agreed faculty load targets are managed and disputes about level or mix of load are resolved.
Relationship with University Executive:
1. The UE Student Profile Planning Committee will refer matters to the University Executive if the matters have an impact on the responsibility of the other UE Committees, or the Chair considers that the decision is of strategic importance.
(From SPPC Agenda pack 3 June 2019 DOC2020/374558)
Resolution UE-SPP 2020/01-5 The University Executive Student Profile Planning Committee resolved to;
a) Endorse the proposal to amalgamate and align the two University Executive Committees of SPPC and the Curriculum Course Planning Committee (CCPC) to form the new ‘Strategic Course and Student Profile Committee’.
b) Endorse the draft Terms of Reference of the new Strategic Course and Student Profile Committee
The proposed amalgamation of the UE SPPC and UE CCPC would form a new committee known as the Strategic Course and Student Profile Committee which would become the endorsing body for new courses. The approval under this new committee would serve to reduce the steps for course approval. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) reported to the committee that this proposal relates to work being conducted under the SOM project. It was noted that under the new workflow model, which is currently being socialised, key points of consultation during new course proposal development will be formalised and a centralised cycle for new course proposals which is in line with Academic Board will be implemented.
(SPPC Minutes 10 February 2020)