Council [Cumberland College of Health Sciences (CCHS)]
reconstituted under Sec 7 (1) (a) of the Colleges of Advanced Education Act (gazetted 4 February 1977)Description
The College was established as a college of advanced education by notification in the NSW Government Gazette 27 April 1973:"It is hereby notified that in terms of section 17(1) of the Higher Education Act, 1969, the New South Wales College of Paramedical Studies is declared a college of advanced education within the Ministry of Education as from 1st July, 1973."On 1st October 1974 the college was proclaimed "a Corporate College of Advanced Education". It was given the task of assuming responsibility for conducting three year full time courses in occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech therapy, and a two year full-time course in orthoptics. Post-registration nursing courses previously conducted by the NSW College of Nursing were included from 1975.After the establishment of the New South Wales College of Paramedical Studies as a Corporate College on 1 October 1974, the new Corporate Council of the held its first meeting on 8 October 1974. At this meeting Council resolved to adopt the proposals of the College administration and the proposed terms of reference for the various Council Committees be as set out in the document prepared for the meeting. These proposals were to be covered in by-laws, the drafting of which were to be deferred until the College had been in operation for 6 month. The constitution of the Committees was also defined at that meeting.The Council was the governing body of the College. Its members were appointed by the Minister or Education and represented the professions, medicine, industry and commerce, the College's own professional, teaching and non-teaching staff. It was advised in academic matters by the Principal, who was the chief executive officer and who had the advice of, and presided over, the Academic Council, which was composed of the permanent academic staff of the College. The Council could constitute and appoint committees to assist it in the efficient discharge of its general responsibilities. The Council of the Corporate College of the NSW College of Paramedical Studies met for the first time on 8th October 1974. At this meeting it established an Executive Committee, Finance and Building Committee, Education Committee, Personnel Committee and the Executive Board of Academic Council.The College was renamed Cumberland College of Health Sciences (CCHS) on 6 June 1975.The fifth meeting of the Corporate College was held on 10 June 1975 under its new name Cumberland College of Health Sciences. The first corporate Council continued in existence until 31 March 1977, when it was superseded by a new Council constituted under Section 7 (1) (a) of the Colleges of Advanced Education Act. The Principal By-Law was gazetted on 4 February 1977. The reconstituted Council had its first meeting on 12 April 1977.The College was organised in the traditional way with schools and departments. In 1979 these were:
• Department of Behavioural and General Studies
• Department of Biological Sciences
• School of Communication Disorders
• School of General Health Studies
• School of Medical Record Administration
• School of Nursing
• School of Occupational Therapy
• School of Orthoptics
• School of Physiotherapy