Deans Working Group
Purpose: The University Executive (UE) Deans Working Group will operate as a discussion and advisory group on nuanced issues as they relate to Faculties and University Schools. It was not run as a committee in 2019, more as team meetings therefore there were no minutes.
Terms of Reference (v.11 January 2019):
The UE Deans Working Group will provide a forum for the Vice-Chancellor and Provost to:
1. discuss issues that have come before the Senate or UE;
2. raise concerns related to University strategy, operational and or business-as usual matters as they relate to Faculties and University Schools;
3. share presentations on key issues and activities effecting Faculties and University Schools;
4. share pan-University issues as they relate to Faculties and University Schools; and
5. present and table early draft proposals for later consideration by UE.
Relationship with University Executive:
1. the UE Deans Working Group will refer matters to UE where the matters have an impact on the responsibility of the other UE Committees, or the Chair considers the decision is of strategic importance; and
2. the UE Deans Working Group will refer financial decisions to UE as per the University of Sydney (Delegations of Authority – Administrative Functions) Rule 2016.
Working Group members have the responsibility to:
1. harness energy and lead activity within Faculties, and University School;
2. contribute the perspectives of their Faculties, and University Schools;
3. feed back to other UE Committees of which they are members, the decisions and discussion of the Working Group; and
4. feed back to relevant Faculties, and University Schools the decisions and discussions of the Working Group.
[source: accessed 12/07/2019]