IdentifierAGN-00000713Alternative NameFinance and Audit Committee Investment Subcommittee (FACIS) [Senate] (13/12/2017 to 30/09/2020)TypeBoard/Committee/CouncilDate13/12/2017 to CurrentCreationSenate Resolution SEN‐17/6‐104 of 13.12.17Description
The establishment of the Investment Subcommittee was approved by Senate at its meeting on 13 December 2017. The subcommittee took on the investment function of the Investment and Commercialisation Committee (ICC). Its terms of reference were under the Finance and Audit Committee's Terms of Reference (Senate Resolution SEN‐17/6‐104 of 13.12.17):
The Finance and Audit Committee shall form an Investment Subcommittee
Terms of reference – Investment Subcommittee
The role of the Investment Subcommittee is to monitor and advise the Finance and Audit Committee on:
a) matters relating to the University’s investment portfolio with particular reference to:
i. the appropriateness of investment policies
ii. the success of investment strategies
iii. the sustainability of investment activities
b) strategies for the management of University investments, including policies, mandates, asset allocations, earnings targets, spending goals, and financial risks
c) recommendations for the University’s Future Fund
d) recommendations for major capital expenditure projects and strategic initiatives which are funded entirely from the Future Fund, including advice on the investment mandate for the Future Fund, which balances support for a broad range of core University objectives with seeking to achieve appropriate commercial returns.
The subcommittee’s Terms of Reference are reflected in the University of Sydney (Delegations of Authority – Administrative Functions) Rule 2016 (‘the Delegations’).
In 2020 Senate undertook an external review of its committee structure and replaced the Finance and Audit Committee with a new Finance Committee, effective 1 October 2020. The Subcommittee’s Terms of Reference now were reflected in the University of Sydney Delegations of Authority Rule 2020 (‘the Delegations’).
Finance Investment Subcommittee (FIS) (13/12/2017 to Current), [AGN-00000713]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 10/02/2025,