Board of Studies in Rural Management
On 6 December 2004 under item 5.4 the 'Vice-Chancellor advised that the proposed Board of Studies in Rural Management was to be a management committee, under the authority of the Vice-Chancellor, with responsibility for the academic affairs of students currently enrolled in the Faculty of Rural Management and continuing their studies at the University of Sydney beyond 31 December 2004. He expressed his gratitude to the Chair of the Academic Board for this proposal'. By Resolution 400/04 Senate(i) established a Board of Studies in Rural Management with membership to be determined by the Academic Board, to undertake from 1 January 2005 the functions previously undertaken by the Faculty of Rural Management; and (ii) amended the definition of "Dean" and "Faculty" to include "the Chair of the Board of Studies in Rural Management" in the relevant University of Sydney Rules and in the Delegations of Authority (Academic).The terms of reference for the Board noted:Membership of the Board of Studies in Rural Management shall consist of:1. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) (or nominee)2. Pro-Vice-Chancellor – College of Sciences and Technology (or nominee)3. Chair, Academic Board (or nominee)4. The senior academic of Charles Sturt University, who after 1 January 2005 will be responsible for the delivery of current University of Sydney degree programs in Rural Management5. Dean, Faculty of Agriculture Food and Natural Resources6. Dean of Graduate Studies7. University Librarian (or nominee)8. One academic staff member involved in teaching University of Sydney degree programs in Rural Management at the Orange campus, appointed by the Academic Board on the nomination of the Chair of the Academic Board9. Up to 2 additional members who may be co-opted with the approval of Academic Board10. The Board of Studies shall be chaired by PVC – College of Sciences and Technology or, in the absence of the PVC, his or her nominee.Meetings of the Board of Studies in Rural Management shall be held as required by its Chair and a quorum shall be 3 members, one of whom shall normally be involved in delivery of degree programs in Rural Management. Meetings may be held in person or electronically and business may be conducted by circulation.