Board of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS)
The BIS was established in 2013 and met five times during the period 2013-2016. During this period its
responsibilities were limited to supervising the award of cross-faculty qualifications as listed in the related
Senate resolutions. It had no responsibilities for non-award courses and dealt almost exclusively with PhD
admission to the China Studies Centre, although in late 2015 it also approved the pan-faculty online HDR
Units of Study.
(Inaugural Meeting of the BIS, 22 August 2016)
As per the University of Sydney (Governance of Faculties and University Schools) Rule 2016, Part 8, adopted by Senate on 12 December 2016, the Board of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) managed the Bachelor of Advanced Studies, the curriculum of the new Open Learning Environment and the majors, minors and units of study offered in the shared pool (Table S). The Board also exercises academic oversight of interdisciplinary non-award courses. Namely:
The Board shall provide cross-faculty supervision of the award of the cross-faculty qualifications listed in the related Senate resolutions (Degrees, diplomas and certificates of the Board of Interdisciplinary Studies) and shall:
(a) provide academic oversight for the quality and outcomes of the teaching, curriculum, supervision, progression and assessment in the cross-faculty degrees, diplomas and certificates;
(b) where so determined in the degree resolutions, admit to and determine candidature for the cross-faculty degrees, diplomas and certificates;
(c) admit to candidature, appoint supervisors and examiners of candidates for those higher degrees by research listed in the related Senate resolutions;
(d) ensure the appropriate provision of course and candidature management, student support and advice is provided through the office of the relevant faculty or academic units;
(e) make recommendations to the Academic Board on matters relating to the cross-faculty qualifications; and,
(f) consider and report on all matters referred to it by Senate, the Academic Board, or the Vice-Chancellor.
In relation to the Bachelor of Advanced Studies, the Board shall have the following responsibilities:
(a) determine the degree resolutions for the award of Bachelor of Advanced Studies;
(b) provide academic oversight for the quality and outcomes of the teaching, curriculum, supervision, progression and assessment in the Bachelor of Advanced Studies by augmenting the faculty-based supervision of their constituent academic components wherever cross-faculty consideration is required;
(c) approve, on the advice of the relevant Faculty, the listing of units of study, majors and minors (as determined by the relevant faculty according to definitions approved by the Academic Board) available for credit in the Bachelor of Advanced Studies, and make recommendations on the curriculum and course resolutions for the Bachelor of Advanced Studies to the Academic Board;
(d) approve the listing of units of study in the Open Learning Environment;
(e) approve the units of study offered in the Open Learning Environment by the Centre for Continuing Education;
(f) provide academic oversight for the quality and outcomes of the teaching, curriculum and assessment of units offered via the Open Learning Environment;
(g) ensure, for students enrolled in the Bachelor of Advanced Studies, the appropriate provision of course and candidature management, student support and advice is provided through the office of the relevant faculty or academic units; and,
(h) make recommendations to the Academic Board on matters relating to the Bachelor of Advanced Studies.
In relation to other qualifications, the Board shall have the following responsibilities:
(a) approve, on the advice of the relevant Faculty, the listing of units, minors and majors (as determined by the relevant faculty according to definitions approved by the Academic Board) to be made available in the shared pool for all Liberal Studies degrees as defined in the Coursework Policy;
(b) report to the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Education) on non-award courses approved by the Board of Interdisciplinary Studies; and,
(c) consider and report on all matters referred to it by Senate, the Academic Board, or the Vice-Chancellor.Sub-committees.
The Board of Interdisciplinary Studies may create sub-committees and delegate to those sub-committees, the authority to make recommendations to the Board in connection with certain of its functions. In early 2019 the BIS had three subcommittees:
• The Board of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) Open Learning Environment Subcommittee (OLE) which had two functions: to consider proposals for Open Learning Environment units that were non-credit bearing, non-disciplinary or interdisciplinary and did not have a ‘faculty home”. This included considering the unit’s learning outcomes, learning experiences, assessment, standards, educational integrity and student experience and feedback, and to provide recommendations to the Board of Interdisciplinary Studies on the full Open Learning Environment offering in terms of outcomes, quality, curriculum and assessment.
• The Non Award Subcommittee (NASC), a subcommittee of the Board of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) established to provide academic quality assurance and oversight for non-award continuing and extra-curricular education courses offered by the University. The Non-Award Sub-Committee had the following responsibilities:
(a) provide academic oversight for the quality and outcomes of the teaching, curriculum, supervision, progression and assessment in interdisciplinary non-award courses; and
(b) report to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) on the quality and strategic fit of interdisciplinary non-award courses. The Non-Award Sub-Committee comprised the following persons: (a) the Deans or their nominees of every faculty that offers interdisciplinary non-award courses; and (b) the Director of the Centre for Continuing Education. (c) The Chair, elected by the sub-committee, will serve on the Board of Interdisciplinary Studies as a representative of the sub-committee.
• BIS Dalyell Subcommittee. The Board of Interdisciplinary Studies Dalyell Subcommittee will to assist the BIS to oversee the Dalyell stream in all degrees in which it is offered. The Dalyell Subcommittee assisted the BIS to oversee the Dalyell stream in all degrees in which it was offered by:
• providing strategic advice to the BIS and Dalyell Faculty Leads on oversight of all aspects of the of the Dalyell stream, including curricular and co-curricular, to ensure that a consistent, high-quality experience is offered to Dalyell scholars across the University and;
• maintaining the University-wide Dalyell reputation by monitoring adherence to strategy, scope and plans in the implementation of the stream and making any recommendations for change;
• recommending to the BIS the composition of the Dalyell units of study in the shared pool (Table S), monitoring and advising on the strategic fit of individual units of study and on the balance of the offering as a whole, in keeping with the interdisciplinary intention of the stream and the aim of developing the graduate qualities to a high level in Dalyell scholars;
• monitoring and coordinating the enrichment opportunities proposed by faculties and University schools to be available within the Dalyell stream including but not limited to: global mobility experiences, professional and leadership skills development, projects and placements, events and masterclasses and early access to 3000 and 4000 level units;
• identifying strategic opportunities for inter-disciplinary collaboration, monitoring risks and advising on the educational approach and format of co-curricular opportunities available within the Dalyell stream including but not limited to cohort, academic and professional mentoring.