Advisory Committee for the Centre for Continuing Education
Senate Resolution May 1988Description
The Centre for Continuing Education replaced the Department of Education. The Advisory Committee was established along with the Centre by Senate Resolution 27 February 1984 with the first meeting of the Advisory Committee on 19 September 1984.
Terms of Reference: The Advisory Committee has been established on the authority of Senate to advise the Vice-Chancellor and the Director or Acting Director on matters concerning the Centre. Its duties and responsibilities will be:
- to meet at least once a term;
- to receive and consider at each meeting a report from the Director or Acting Director upon the activities of the Centre;
- to make recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor on the development of the work of the Centre;
- to report to the Senate, the Vice-Chancellor or the Academic Board upon any matters referred to it by them; and
- to consider the draft Annual Report of the Director or Acting Director before it is submitted to the Academic Board for transmission to the Senate.
Since the Centre was established in 1984 by Senate resolution, the resolutions had been amended a number of times. Changes in staffing and structure of the Centre required the resolutions to be amended. The Centre put forward a proposal to draw up a new Resolution for the Centre and the Advisory Committee rather than amend the original resolution. The composition of the Centre's Advisory Committee determined by the Resolutions took into account the composition of the previous Board of Adult Education and the mix within the Centre of Academic and Administrative positions. As the Centre had evolved into a largely administrative unit, positions that were lectureships had become administrative appointments.
The new resolutions were required to:
a) provide a clear statement of the Centre's function and area of work;
b) provide an Advisory Committee whose structure allows for more effective representation from this University's various continuing education/community activities and which could also include leading members of the community served by the Centre; and
c) provide a structure of sub-committees to undertake the detailed review and development of the individual areas of the Centre's work.
The role of the Advisory Committee for Continuing Education was:
a) to ensure the co-ordination and development of the University's Continuing Education activities; and
b) to review and develop the work of the Centre for Continuing Education.
The academic structure and responsibilities changed after a review of the Academic Board; the new structure came into force on 1 January 2004. [See Senate 5 April 2004, Item 8B.2.1 Report of the Chair of the Academic Board.]