The University of Sydney Strategic Plan 2016 - 2020, launched in first quarter of 2016 comprises four distinct goals that with drive strategic focus and will direct implementation effort;
1. A culture of research excellence
2. A distinctive Sydney education
3. A culture built on our values;
Enabled by a
4.Simplified organisational design
Separate work-streams will drive implementation of each of the initiatives identified in the Strategic Plan 2016-20. A unified governance structure is proposed to oversee the delivery from a whole-of-University perspective and to guide and progress implementation efforts towards the realisation of our strategic goals by 2020.
The purpose of the Strategy Governance Board (SGB) is to provide overall governance of the whole-of-strategy program of work with consideration to the overarching implementation plan and benefits realisation while considering changes and impacts in the external environment.
Terms of Reference:
1. Provide strategic direction to the programs;
2. Monitor the external environment and determine the impacts on the strategic plan;
3. Manage the impacts of funding deltas;
4. Approve or endorse decisions impacting across program streams;
5. Monitor the benefits realisation and the overall impact to the strategic plan;
6. Approve major changes to the scope, delivery of outcomes or timelines;
7. Endorse proposals (or decide to propose) to start or stop any strategic initiative;
8. Determine if additional enabling initiatives are required to deliver against the strategy;
9. Actively support the initiatives across the University;
10. Monitor the risks to delivery of the program of work and the strategic outcomes.
Strategy Governance Board (03/09/2016 to ?), [AGN-00000611]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 16/01/2025,