IdentifierAGN-00000608Alternative NameWork Health and Safety Committee [Senior Executive Group (SEG)]TypeBoard/Committee/CouncilDate? to ? CurrentDescription
The Work Health and Safety (WHS) Committee provides management and decision making about University-wide WHS issues.
The University Executive WHS Committee will:
1. Oversee the implementation of the University's WHS Strategic Plan.
2. Ensure that an appropriate level of resourcing and management is given to mitigating health and safety risk across the University.
3. In its role as the University-wide WHS Management Committee, monitor University WHS Performance across all areas of risk to health, safety and wellbeing and provides management and decision making about University-wide WHS issues requiring timely resolution.
4. Consult with HSRs on University-wide WHS issues that have not been able to be resolved at local levels and through usual HSR and consultation mechanisms.
5. Make management decisions to resolve the WHS issues it considers appropriate for the Committee to make, or if not considered within its terms, will decide further action.
6. Report on all WHS matters to the University Executive.
7. Oversee management of risk within the WHS portfolio to ensure risks are managed within the University's agreed appetite and tolerance levels, and escalate to the University Executive those risks that are outside of the Committee's remit to resolve; and
8. May establish working sub-committees and working parties to assist with specific matters where it is considered that such a sub-committee is the best method by which to resolve a particular WHS issue.
Work Health and Safety Committee (? to ? Current), [AGN-00000608]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 17/02/2025,