Education Committee (EC)
Previous Committee of SEG which was established in 2009. The first meeting of the Education Committee was held on 8 April 2009. Its Terms of Reference were:
1. Receive and consider requests for advice from SEG about significant matters of strategy, management, administration and policy relevant to all matters covered by the education portfolio other than research training, including but not limited to:
-Learning and Teaching
-Overall management and improvement of the ‘student experience’
-Indigenous Education
-Student Administration and Support, including the Future Students Administration Project
-Relations with the student organizations
-Student load planning, admissions, student recruitment and scholarships
2. Initiate advice and recommendations for SEG about significant matters of strategy, management, administration and policy relevant to the same range of matters.
3. Continue the work of the ITL Associate Deans (Learning and Teaching) working group in developing, guiding and overseeing the central and devolved Learning and Teaching function across the University.
(Education Committee agenda 8 April 2009)
The SEG was replaced by the University Executive in September 2016 to better support the 2016-2020 Strategic Plan. Some of the committees were abolished and others continued with new terms of reference.The Education Committee was one of these committees.
The purpose of UE Committees is to:
1. Contribute to the ongoing development and implementation of University strategy;
2. Review operational matters and consider business-as-usual matters;
3. Consider planning and prioritisation proposals within the portfolio;
4. Monitor performance against domain KPIs; and
5. Be a conduit for institutional discussion and faculty discussions in the domain.
The UE Education Committee will:
1. Provide advice to the University Executive on strategic educational issues and on implementation of the University's educational strategy.
2. Provide advice to the University Executive on measures designed to improve the quality and effectiveness of teaching and learning within the University, including through effective innovation in teaching and learning and its uptake.
3. Provide advice to the UE Financial Performance Committee or the UE Operations Board on priorities and need for improvement in the University's physical and virtual infrastructure for learning and teaching.
4. Serve as an all-faculty forum on educational matters, encouraging alignment of Faculty educational strategies and the University's Strategic Plan.
5. Monitor indicators of the quality of the educational experience at the University and develop strategies for quality improvement.
6. Develop and monitor policies and procedures on all aspects of the educational experience in cooperation with the Academic Board.
7. Provide advice to the University Executive on co-curricular activities that support the University's educational strategic priorities in collaboration with the Academic Board and relevant Portfolios.
8. Work with the Academic Board and Portfolios to undertake a systematic review of educational policies and procedures.
9. Consider and report on any matter referred to it by the Vice-Chancellor or Academic Board.
10. Oversee management of risk within the education portfolio to ensure risks are managed within the University's agreed appetite and tolerance levels, and escalate to the University Executive those risks that are outside of the Committee's remit to resolve.
The UE Education Committee has the authority to:
1. Make decisions on matters within the education portfolio, following the strategic direction agreed to by the University Executive;
2. Make decisions on financial allocation to the limit of the DVC (Education) delegation, on proposals formally supported by the BRT process.
Relationship with University Executive:
1. The UE Education Committee will refer matters to the University Executive only if the matters have an impact on the responsibility of the other UE Committees, or the Chair considers the decision is of strategic importance;
2. The UE Education Committee will refer financial decisions to the University Executive above the DVC (Education) delegation; and
3. The UE Education Committee will report to the University Executive after each meeting.
Committee members have the responsibility to:
1. Harness energy and lead activity within this portfolio domain; within Faculties and within University Schools;
2. Contribute the perspectives of their Faculties and University Schools to the Committee;
3. Feed back to other UE Committees of which they are members, the decisions and discussion of the Committee; and
4. Feed back to Faculties and University Schools the decisions and discussions of the Committee.