Curriculum and Course Planning Committee (CCPC)
Previous Committee of SEG [CCPC (SEG) - was in operation in 2011]. The University Executive (UE) Curriculum and Course Planning Committee will support the University to achieve its strategic aims by embedding research-enriched and community-engaged teaching and learning in a renewed curriculum; in furthering its social inclusion agenda; in recommending student load targets, and in overseeing the development and refinement of new and existing degree programs.
The Curriculum and Course Planning Committee will support the University to achieve its strategic aims by embedding research-enriched and community-engaged teaching and learning in a renewed curriculum; in furthering its social inclusion agenda; in recommending student load targets, and in overseeing the development and refinement of new and existing degree programs.
Terms of reference
The Curriculum and Course Planning Committee will:
1. Oversee the University’s curriculum reform agenda.
2. Conduct an annual review of the student load and mix to ensure educational and financial sustainability, including proposing to SEG University targets for recruitment and retention of low SES, Indigenous and rural and remote students.
3. Monitor and report to SEG on progress towards achieving the University’s commitment to attracting and supporting promising students from a diversity of social and cultural backgrounds.
4. Provide expert input into the workslate projects on curriculum development, degree levels and pathways, and assessment.
5. Support curriculum renewal and best practice throughout the University.
6. Review degree programs and make recommendations to SEG for appropriate reform and improvement.
7. Collaborate with the Academic Board in the development of a cycle of regular faculty curriculum reviews.
8. Assess the strategic fit, business case and appropriateness of all new degree proposals and make recommendations to SEG as to whether these proposals should be sent to the Academic Board for approval.
9. Oversee, monitor and approve all student fees for degree programs.
In 2018 its terms of reference as a committe of the University Executive (UE)were:
1. Contribute to the ongoing development and implementation of University strategy;
2. Review operational matters and consider business-as-usual matters;
3. Consider planning and prioritisation proposals within the portfolio;
4. Monitor performance against domain KPIs; and
5. Be a conduit for institutional discussion and faculty discussions in the domain.
The UE Curriculum and Course Planning Committee will:
1. Oversee the University's curriculum reform agenda.
2. Conduct an annual review of the student load and mix to ensure educational and financial sustainability, including proposing to SEG University targets for recruitment and retention of low SES, Indigenous and rural and remote students.
3. Monitor and report to SEG on progress towards achieving the University's commitment to attracting and supporting promising students from a diversity of social and cultural backgrounds.
4. Provide expert input into the Work Slate projects on curriculum development, degree levels and pathways, and assessment.
5. Support curriculum renewal and best practice throughout the University.
6. Review degree programs and make recommendations to SEG for appropriate reform and improvement.
7. Collaborate with the Academic Board in the development of a cycle of regular faculty curriculum reviews.
8. Assess the strategic fit, business case and appropriateness of all new degree proposals and make recommendations to SEG as to whether these proposals should be sent to the Academic Board for approval.
9. Oversee, monitor and approve all student fees for degree programs.
Relationship with University Executive:
1. The UE Curriculum and Course Planning Committee will refer matters to the University Executive only if the matters have an impact on the responsibility of the
other UE Committees, or the Chair considers the decision is of strategic importance;and
2. The UE Curriculum and Course Planning Committee will report to the University Executive after each meeting.
Committee members have the responsibility to:
1. Harness energy and lead activity within this portfolio domain; within Faculties and within University Schools;
2. Contribute the perspectives of their Faculties and University Schools to the Committee;
3. Feed back to other UE Committees of which they are members, the decisions and discussion of the Committee; and
4. Feed back to Faculties and University Schools the decisions and discussions of the Committee.
Resolution UE-SPP 2020/01-5 The University Executive Student Profile Planning Committee resolved to;
a) Endorse the proposal to amalgamate and align the two University Executive Committees of SPPC and the Curriculum Course Planning Committee (CCPC) to form the new ‘Strategic Course and Student Profile Committee’.
The proposed amalgamation of the UE SPPC and UE CCPC would form a new committee known as the Strategic Course and Student Profile Committee which would become the endorsing body for new courses. The approval under this new committee would serve to reduce the steps for course approval. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) reported to the committee that this proposal relates to work being conducted under the SOM project. It was noted that under the new workflow model, which is currently being socialised, key points of consultation during new course proposal development will be formalised and a centralised cycle for new course proposals which is in line with Academic Board will be implemented.
(SPPC Minutes 10 February 2020)