Australian Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology (AINST) Board
The first meeting of the AINST Board was held 23 April 2015. The purpose of the Australian Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology Board was to:
1. Provide input to the development and implementation of the AINST academic and operating arrangements, as set out in the AINST foundational documents.
2. Assist in identifying priorities and monitor progress on program and project implementation with respect to the AINST education and research strategy and the provision of appropriate operational arrangements to support the successful, effective and efficient delivery of the strategy.
3. Provide advice and assistance on strategies for securing engagement from faculties and external stakeholders with the AINST.
4. Provide advice and assist in developing an AINST budget for consideration in the University budget process, including resource utilisation as articulated in the AINST Business Case.
5. Identify and monitor potential risks related to AINST from a whole of university perspective and advise on appropriate mitigation actions.
6. Provide advice on the management and resolution of issues as they arise, including those relating to the development and implementation of academic programs, engagement with stakeholders and provision of professional services to AINST, including the SNH building (Finance, HR, CIS, ICT, Marketing & Communications, OGC).
7. Report to SEG on the development and implementation of the AINST and its progress against its agreed strategy and business case.
Voting members: Vice-Chancellor and Principal (Chair); Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) (Deputy Chair); Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education); Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies; Dean, Faculty of Science Dean; Sydney Medical School; Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences; Director, Campus Infrastructure & Services; Chief Financial Officer.
Non-voting members: Director, Australian Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology Board Director, Sydney Nanoscience Hub and Research and Prototype Foundry Director, Community and Research.
November 24, 2016, the governance and organisational structure of AINST was revised. The Directorate would report to the AINST board every two months. The AINST Board would provide a critical role of overall over-sight re. AINST activities to further ensure that full alignment is achieved. The AINST Board will be chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research.
The External Advisory Committee will be constituted at a time during or at the end of this transition period. It will provide advice to the AINST Board as to academic as well as industry needs and opportunities but also advise on the research performance of AINST against international standards and the competitive landscape.
Two committees will support the AINST Directorate and play important roles for the strategic and operational alignment: The AINST Executive Committee (ExComm) and SNH Operations Committee (OpsComm). The ExComm will be chaired by the AINST Director and The SNH OpsComm will be chaired by the SNH/RPF Director. (From AINST meeting papers 26 November 2016). The UE AINST Board held its final meeting on 11 December 2017. From January 2018 the AINST would be governed by the UE Multidisciplinary Initiatives Committee. (The name of AINST was changed to the University of Sydney Nano Institute -Sydney Nano for short (Resolution UE 17/14-15))