Academic Group B
Devolution of financial management was recommended in the first quinquennial plan; it was initiated in 1988 and completed in 1991 with the 1992 devolved budgets determined using a new formula. The Academic Devolved Unit (ADU) as such is not a body which meets but has committees with responsibilities for financial, management and planning issues which operate within the ADU, rather than the Faculty, framework. The ADU is the devolved budgetary unit, an entity that is part of the administrative structure of the University. Faculties are part of the academic structure. The Boston Review in 1992 brought changes to the administration of ADUs. The consultants suggested to group the existing ADUs to reduce the number of direct reporting to the Vice-Chancellor. As a result from discussions with the deans it had been agreed that the exiting ADUs were grouped into four Academic Groups headed by one of the Deans in the Group or by a Pro-Vice Chancellor appointed from outside the group. The grouping that took into account academic affinities, the need to share facilities, geography and scale of operation was as follows:• Group A: Agriculture, Science, Veterinary Science• Group B: Architecture, Graduate School of Business, Economics, Engineering, Law• Group C: Dentistry, Health Sciences, Medicine, Nursing• Group D: Arts, College of the Arts, Conservatorium, EducationThe structure of the administrative units for each Group was to be decided on an individual basis.The Position Description for the role of Head of Academic Group were approved by Senate in February 1993. Primarily accountable to the Vice-Chancellor, the head of an Academic Group was accountable for the financial and management performance of the Academic Group to contribute to the achievement of the agreed operating objectives of the University, provide senior managerial leadership within the Group and provide an optimally effective line management link between the Vice-Chancellor and the Deans. The Head had responsibility for conveying to the Vice-Chancellor the principal issues of concern to the Deans within the group and was to represent the interests of the Academic Group and associated Units within the University. On 18 July 1994 commissioned the Review of the Administration in Academic Groups, Academic Devolved Units (ADUs) / Faculties, Departments and Centres. The purpose of the Review was to build on the decisions arising from the Boston Review of the Administration, with the primary objectives of maximising efficiency of administrative support across the University and ensuring that the support given to academic activities was provided in as effective a manner as possible. The Report of the Committee was completed in June 1995. [Senate Minutes October 1995, p.3848] The report recommended (R.9) "that the Academic Groups as currently constituted be disestablished, but with existing customer service teams being maintained to service the faculties as they are presently clustered;" [Senate Minutes October 1995, p.32 of report]. After wide consultation and discussion about the new proposed Senior Management structure within the University the Vice Chancellor took the proposal to Senate. At its meeting on 4 December 1996 Senate noted the extensive consultations undertaken by the Vice-Chancellor in developing the new academic and senior management structure to take effect from 3 March 1997, and unanimously endorsed it. [Senate Minutes 4 December 1996, p.3251]