IdentifierAGN-00000438Alternative NameSydney University Women's Group
Women's GroupTypeAssociation/Club/SocietyDate01/12/1949 to ?Description
A meeting with the object to form a club 'amongst the wives of members of the Senate, the teaching and administrative staff of the University and the women members of the teaching staff, the administrative and clerical staffs of the University' by Mrs CE Marshall and was held at Manning House on 1 December 1949. The club would give university women an opportunity of meeting each other on social occasions at the University and also extend the general interest in university affairs among women.
Those present unanimously agreed to form themselves into an association. A name for the group was still under discussion and for the time being it was agreed that the association should be called the 'University Women's Group'.
Alternate IdentifierOld Control Number: S39Metadata StatusComplete
University Women's Group (01/12/1949 to ?), [AGN-00000438]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 26/01/2025,