Sydney University Settlement
Sydney University Women's Settlement (Circa 1911 to 1921)
Sydney University Women's Social Service Society (1921 to 1931)TypeAssociation/Club/SocietyDate1891 to ?CreationFounded in 1891 by Lady JerseyDescription
Founded in 1891 by Lady Jersey, the University Women's Society is first recorded in the University Calendar of 1891 with the following object: 'The object of this Society is to help anyone requiring and deserving help, as far as lies in the power of the Society. All women members of the University of Sydney are eligible for membership. Honorary members may be admitted by consent of a general meeting. Subscription, 1s. 6d. per term.'
Office bearers for 1891 were: Patroness - The Countess of Jersey; President - Lady Manning; Vice-Presidents - Mrs CB Fairfax, Mrs MacCallum, Mrs Renwick, Mrs Wilson, Miss Gurney, Miss Phillips; Hon. Secretary - Miss Booth, BA; Hon. Treasurer - Miss Bennett.
With their focus on university settlement work, their expansion and improved finances, the name of the Society changed to Sydney University Women's Settlement in 1911/1912. The printed Annual Report for 1911 already carries the name Sydney University Women's Settlement while the financial statement of that report still is in the name of the Sydney University Women's Society. The 1911 Calendar listing is still for the Women's Society giving its object as 'the only University Society which exists for the purpose of giving practical help to those in need of it'. The work was divided into two branches which were (i) Visiting the old people at Newington Asylum, taking them presents, and organising entertainments for them. and (ii) Maintaining and developing the University Women's Settlement in Queen Street, Newtown, which exists for the purpose of providing an outlet for a first-hand study of social and economic conditions, and striving to diffuse the benefits of University education and training. With unchanged objective the society is listed as Sydney University Women's Settlement in the 1912. The minute book of the Society does not record the name change.In 1921 the name changed to Sydney University Women's Social Service Society (see news cuttings in S32, Box 1; for expanded objectives see 1924 Calendar entry).The name was changed again in 1931 (41st Annual Report, Jan 1931 to March 31, 1932) The change of name was made necessary when members decided to change the constitution, on the suggestion of the men students interested in the Settlement, and to admit University men to full membership.In 1959 the Sydney University Settlement Corporations Act , Act No. 16, 1959, was passed incorporating the Executive of the Sydney University Settlement.For the work of the Settlement today see also S114 The Sydney University Settlement Ladies Auxiliary which includes reports and some correspondence of the Settlement.